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Celebrating a Dying Republic


Submitted By sayandey
Words 387
Pages 2
Celebrating a dying republic?
SILCHAR, JAN 25: Countdown has almost reached its climax with only a few hours left to greet the January 26, 2013, the 63rd Republic Day. All are in readiness to celebrate the ultimate celebration in democratic Republic nation. But haven’t you encountered of a dirty flip side picture in the Republic day? We all will rise late from our couches with a holiday disposition in our mind. The significance of the day seems to have shrunken up to only as day to hang out with family and friends. A mere day for picnic and parties! We hardly try to go deep and explore the true essence of being a Republic citizen of India. A very meagre number of people join the Republic day celebration organised by administration. Especially young generations have parted their ways from this basic tenet of being a Republic national and are more exuberant to play a few ‘flirt games’ over FaceBook, the new mass hysteria.
But introspecting and churning thy souls, can we really blame the masses for their reluctance in celebrating Republic Day? Ruma Roy , a varsity student feels, “aftr so mny yrs of indpndnce we r nt fllly indpndnt speclly grls . bfre cm out frm hm we hv to thnk thsnd tm whtr it is mtro cty or rural area. in case of littrcy grls r tll nw far awy 4m it, mny prtns r svng mny 4 dowrry nt 4 their eductn

The most common and popular definition of ‘Republic’, according to Dictionery.Com says “ a state in which the supreme power rests in the body of citizens entitled to vote and is exercised by representatives chosen directly or indirectly by them.” The word ‘Republic’ finds its origin in between 1595-1605 from the French word république.

WE, THE PEOPLE OF INDIA, having solemnly resolved to constitute India into a SOVEREIGN SOCIALIST SECULAR DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC and to secure to all its citizens:
JUSTICE, social, economic and political;

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