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Challenges of the Working Students


Submitted By neil2005
Words 1797
Pages 8
challenges of the working students
1. There is the stress of making a good adjustment because students believe their future depends upon their doing well. Did they make the right choice? How can they be sure? Should they change courses, direction, major? Putting choices into a longer-term perspective is useful. There are many people on campus that can assist them in making decisions: professors, peers, and College staff.
2. Some students will be homesick, missing their family, friends, and pets. They will miss old routines and structures.
3. Students may be ambivalent about dependence and independence. Some will openly ask for parent support and others won’t tell parents important details. Parents need to ask their adolescent how they are doing without prying too much – while also being accessible and open.
4. The school may not live up to the expectations set by the brochures and admissions counselors. Rarely does an admissions pamphlet tell all about the ins and outs, and the limits and shortcomings of a place.
5. The work is hard and some students may experience their first low grades. Most students have done well in high school. Some high school courses are not as demanding as college. A student has to learn a particular professor’s expectations and style of grading.
6. Students will be expected to maintain their own schedules and develop good study habits. There is no one around to force the student to study, to go to class, or to get a good night’s sleep. Students have to create a structure that works for them. Time management is a skill that can be learned or improved through work with the Macalester Academic Excellence (MAX) Center (phone number is 696-6121).
7. Students may become excited about whole new areas of study and may change their career goals and major plans. Parents who believe their student’s goals and dreams

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