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Character Analysis: Into Thin Air

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Nearly eleven times as large as the Burj Khalifa, the world’s tallest manmade structure, Mount Everest looms over the rest of the world with the spectacular height of 29,029 feet. Imagine how amazing it feels to stand on the summit of this mountain, the highest elevation on Earth that any human can climb to, peering over the rest of the beautiful world. The author of Into Thin Air: A Personal Account of the Mount Everest Disaster, Jon Krakauer, experiences this, but he has determined that it is by far the worst incident of his entire life. Krakauer ascends the mountain with well-respected and world-famous mountaineer Rob Hall’s team. Several of the people on Hall’s team, including Krakauer, successfully reach the summit, but descending proves …show more content…
On behalf of himself and all of his fellow climbers, Krakauer tells the reader, “By this late stage in the expedition we had all been subjected to levels of misery and peril that would have sent more balanced individuals packing for home a long time ago” (177). Krakauer says that he and his teammates are faced with an immense amount of suffering throughout his journey, including both the physical and mental pain they endure. However, their extraordinary willpower and determination carries them through all of it. Also, Krakauer recalls, “I was so far beyond ordinary exhaustion that I experienced a queer detachment from my body, as if I were observing my descent from a few feet overhead” (193). Krakauer explains how as he is descending from the summit of Mount Everest, he experiences an absolutely inconceivable amount of exhaustion. During his lonely descent, there is nobody restricting Krakauer from just laying down and falling asleep. The only thing keeping Krakauer awake and making progress towards the camp is his unbreakable resoluteness. In these ways, Krakauer’s willpower keeps him marching during even the darkest hours of the

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