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China and Starbucks


Submitted By anna2005
Words 1649
Pages 7
The following report will discuss the impact of Starbucks initiative to capitalize their brand of coffee on China, which is rich in history of being tea drinking country. China has a massive consumer market with a population of around 1.3 billion (Hawkins, 2010). The culture of the Chinese has a strong tradition of consuming tea, as it is still the number one beverage in China which the Chinese have enjoyed tea for millennia (Hawkins, 2010).
The first topic that will be discussed is to determine and discuss barriers facing Starbucks as they try to teach people to change their consumption habits from tea and instant coffee. Recommendations will also be made to help Starbucks successfully encourage greater coffee consumption. Next an advertising campaign will be constructed that would not only encourage greater coffee consumption in general, but also increase the demand for Starbucks; while identifying key themes, i.e. copy, points, and visuals. I will then develop a marketing strategy for taking Starbucks into smaller Chinese cities and communities; while outlining the barriers and determining if they have a chance to be successful. Lastly, a demographic will be outlined with the cultural and media factors that make India more attractive for Starbucks than it was 10 years ago.

Determine and discuss the barriers facing Starbucks as they try to teach people to change their consumption habits from tea and instant coffee.

Though China represents great opportunities because of its big population and impending growth, coffee is never of Chinese traditions. Starbucks faces a big obstacle: Most of China's 1.3 billion people (Hawkins, 2010) don't care for the chain's signature product. Coffee is so unpopular in China's tea-drinking culture that until recently many Starbucks didn't brew regular drip coffee unless a customer ordered it (Rideout, 2010). Coffee

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