Premium Essay

Chris Mccandless Narcissist Analysis

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Words 497
Pages 2
Realist or Narcissist?
Throughout Chris McCandless's journey we never truly find out if Chris McCandless is a noble but misguided idealist or a narcissist who hurt his family.Chris McCandless is a person who travels America and the Alaskan wilderness in order to pursue his ideals on his journey he puts his ideals into action by leaving behind materialistic possessions for example his car in the Mojava desert and giving away his money to charity.This essay will give insight into whether Chris McCandless was an idealist or narcissist.
Chris McCandless is more of an idealist he followed his ideals, he thought of the perfect world for himself and he knew he couldn’t change the world and get people to live the way he wants so he does it by himself

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