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Communicating Change


Submitted By tloty16
Words 861
Pages 4
Communicating Change

Communicating Change * People are resistant to change because of the fear of the unknown. * Individuals do not like to change the way tasks are completed; especially if they are accustomed to doing things a certain way for an extended period of time. * How change gets communicated and talked about is crucial to its success.” (p, 291). It is a known fact that change is not easy. Leaders need to introduce change slowly whenever possible. * There are many forms of communicating change, but holding a meeting to address those new changes is the best way to promulgate those changes. It opens up a forum for questions and answers. This way leaders and managers can quickly address the concerns that arise, and if the answer is not known right away then it can be acquired. * Change is constantly happening, so assessing the change and what impact it will have employees and the company may be easier said than done. As leaders team leaders need to be used in order to determine how changes within the organization will affect employee morale. If some of those obstacles or concerns can be identified ahead of time, then the answers can be addressed right away. * There are times when there will be no solutions to a specific change, but a good leadership team and team members will understand and adjust to those changes. * Negative reactions from employees are inevitable, but they need to be addresses to get employees thinking positive instead of negatively. As human beings we do not adjust well to changes. It is important that leaders be able to communicate a change in a way that can be understood by all members. Sometimes change will happen no matter what, but a good leader will take his or her team on board and execute the task according to the new change. * Changes need to be defined clearly in writing. This helps

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