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Communicating with Employees


Submitted By olskoolb
Words 929
Pages 4
Communication is the key to any business's success because without effective communication, there is no structure; this is why communicating with employees is very important. In the Leadership Theory and Practice textbook, one of the strengths of the Leader-Member Exchange Theory states, "LMX theory is noteworthy because it points out the importance of communication in leadership." This tells us "Communication is the vehicle through which leaders and subordinates create, nurture, and sustain useful exchanges" (Northouse, 2013).
Furthermore, in order to reinforce its expectations of the company, management should use simple and direct language when communicating their expectations of the employee. This should be done on a continual basis to ensure that their message is completely understood. When communicating with employees, management should be very clear, concrete, and concise on their expectations. According to the MGMT3 textbook written by Chuck Williams, he states, "There are many types of communication-formal, informal, coaching/counseling and nonverbal- but they all follow the same fundamental process.'' (Williams, 2011) He later implies that "Sometimes messages are poorly communicated simply because they are delivered using the wrong communication medium, which is the method used to deliver a message" (Williams, 2011). In an article titled Communication Provides Foundation for Being a Best Place to Work written by Kathleen Skidmore-Williams she affirms the writings of Chuck Williams by saying "communication will not be effective if it's about the wrong things" (K.Williams, 2013). In order to work more efficiently and obtain better result's different technique approaches may be needed. Each situation depends on the circumstances. This correlates with the Situational Approach theory suggested by Hersey and Blanchard, which states "Situational

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