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Compare and Contrast Paper


Submitted By yeuem
Words 854
Pages 4
Espresso and Pepperonis, which is the better restaurant for eating Italian food?
Nowadays, there are more and more foreigners who go to Vietnam for working, travelling so there are more restaurants that cook the other countries’ food day by day. They are French, American, Chinese, Japanese … restaurants. Vietnamese have more changes for eating more strange and unique foods that we have ever eaten. And I really enjoy in the Italian food.
In Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam, there are two biggest Italian restaurants that have people usually talk about when they want to have the best Italian food. They are Espresso with friendly and hospitable service and Pepperonis with the appetizing and blazing hot entrees of Pepperonis; they are really the Italian heritage. Before deciding which restaurant leaves a better impression in my mind, a comparison and contrast between location, taste, service and cost must be considered. For me, choosing which restaurant to recommend to family members or friends is as hard as choosing clothes for the first dating.
Someone said that having a best meal is not only eating and drinking but also enjoying food in a special space. Pepperonis locates at a beautiful place, it’s near the Saigon River, the most beautiful river in the city. From there, you can enjoy the fresh air, the romantic scene without the noisy of this busy city. It’s a good place for the lovers or a family that wants to relax after a hard day. Opposite to Pepperonis, Espresso locates in the largest, busiest street of Ho Chi Minh City. This place is suitable for business and young persons that want to meet their partners, friends, etc. But because of this favorable place, it’s difficult to find a parking lot if you have a car.
It would be the best night if you could choose a restaurant that always had food that tasted wonderful. At Pepperonis, I feel like an Italian chef has just prepared my meal. Their pasta melts in your mouth and is always accompanied by hearty and rich sauces. My eyes pop out of my head when I see their delectable dessert tray. They both carry a wide selection of freshly prepared desserts like creamy tiramisu. On the contrary, at Espresso, your dinner always comes with all you can eat salad and piping hot breadsticks. Yet, at Pepperonis you must order a salad separate from your entry. On the other hand, Pepperonis offers its customers their staple sourdough bread served with olive oil and balsamic vinegar spiced with herbs. Similarly, the salad at both restaurants is always fresh and is dressed in tangy and light vinaigrette. In the same way, both restaurants offer their ravished customers a wide selection of sodas, teas and coffees to wet their whistles. Delicious, freshly prepared food is a mandatory when I am spending a night out with friends or family.
Service is something that I value highly when spending my hard earned money on a night out. The service at Espresso is a snail trying to win a race. However, when I arrive at Pepperonis I am eaten almost immediately, whereas at Espresso, I have to sign a waiting list and they hand me a flashing disk. The servers at Espresso, in contrast, seem sometimes annoyed when I ask for something like more water or another plate to share an item. Equally, both restaurants bring my meal in a timely manner. They both give me service with a smile like a sun shining in the morning sky. Similarly, both places of business are more than willing to trade my order if it is not to my satisfaction. If I am not going to receive the service I deserve, I might as well walk right out of the establishment and not look back.
Do you like throwing your money down the drain? If not, then maybe Pepperonis is not the most cost effective restaurant for you. I often feel that money is flying out of my wallet the minute I sit down at my table. On the other hand, Pepperonis does offer more food for the price. An average bill at Espresso is about forty dollars, whereas at Pepperonis the final bill can range from fifty to one hundred dollars based on your choices of entrees, appetizers, drinks and desserts. Unlike Pepperonis, Espresso does offer specials on certain dishes at specific times of the year. In the same way, both restaurants offer drinks that are similar in price and that price includes refills. Also, Espresso and Pepperonis both have appetizers that are around the same price for the same generous helping. Value is a huge factor in deciding which restaurant I would choose to refer to a friend or family member.
Yes, Espresso offers more food for the money, but the aroma and taste of Pepperonis entrees are by far superior, not to mention they provide better service for the customer. Based on my evaluation of the two restaurants, I would have to choose Pepperonis. Next time you are in the mood for Italian cuisine, try Espresso and Pepperonis, and then make the choice for yourself!

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