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Compare and Contrasts Constructs Intelligence and Achievement


Submitted By cokermary
Words 884
Pages 4
Psychological Testing Kay Coker PSY /475 June 17, 2013 Telisha Williams

Psychological Testing There are many types of testing toward garnering information regarding the psychological behavior of individuals. Professional psychologists make assessment tests in order to allow personnel, schools, psychologists. and other professionals gather information and assess the knowledge, or the psychological outlook of a person. This paper will give a light overview of psychological testing by defining the term “test”, describing a few of the major categories of tests while looking at reliability and validity and how psychological testing is affected by them. The definition of the word “test” is important to understand in order to go on with making tests and taking tests. The Merriam-Webster dictionary (2013) tells that a test is “critical examination, observation, or evaluation”…..”a basis for evaluation” (“test” 2013). That brings us to testing, which may be defined as a procedure or a group of questions to an individual or group. A test may try to prove something such as a hypothesis, or a test may try to evaluate intelligence or knowledge, and yet a test may try to determine an individual’s psychological being, the individual happiness, fear, or anxiety. There are many categories of testing. A number of testing categories are available for different types of information needed.
There are mental ability tests such as the SAT (Scholastic Assessment Test), which help test memory, reasoning, creative thinking, spatial ability and more. These are either administered individually or in groups. The

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