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Corporate Leadership


Submitted By sampad1984
Words 2815
Pages 12
Managerial Ethics: First Take-home Exam:
Individual Project
June 16, 2013
Instructor: Fr. Ozzie Mascarenhas SJ

Sampad Biswas GMP Section A G13041 Submission – 8/07/2013

1. Are you a leader, born or cultivated or both? How do you characterize your leadership traits based on the leadership profiles presented by Narayana Murthy and Rahul Khosla?

In-born Leadership Traits | Leadership Style, Inspirational Style, Imagination, Self Invention, Self- Organization Style, Convincing power, Moral Commitments | I think the my leadership quality is generated from my inherent characters and the from the learning cultivated throughout my professional and personal life. | Cultivated Leadership Elements | Proper Behaviour, Setting up goals and purposes, Moral Sensitiveness, People Accountability, Understanding psychological drift of followers, Use of Leadership powers, Teamwork skills, Ethics of change | | Personal Leadership Traits based on N.Murthy Leadership Profile | Rewarding Meritocracy, Honesty and Loyalty, Encouraging Participative style of decision making, Having own clear Vision and Goal, Creating a Unified Goal for Followers and Leading them towards it, Offering value to customers, Unity among diversity | Essentially Mr Murthy’s style of leadership is more directed to Social commitment and Reward Oriented. This in-turn helps to groom up raw Talents and motivates them to be focused towards a common goal. | Personal Leadership Traits based on R.Khosla Leadership Profile | Personally inspired for better performance, Result driven by taking Calculated Risk, Clear Communication with all the levels, Ability to spot talent and groom the individual, cultivating Responsible leadership style | Mr Khosla’s style of leadership is Performance driven, Result is the key factor and

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