Premium Essay

Corporate Planning


Submitted By jhanvi
Words 1415
Pages 6
Corporate planning of commercial bank:
Planning is a pre requisite of every management function . the performance of all other functions like planning, organizing , staffing, directing & controlling is preceded by performance of planning function.
So corporate planning is the primary function of any corporate management . it is combination of the activities in the management process which consist of formulation of the objectives & the action to be taken for their achievement.
Corporate planning is a bridge between the present & future of the bank . it also provides the framework for decision making .
According to koontz & weihrich :
Corporate planning involves selecting mission & objectives & the action to achieve them ; it requires decision making ,that is choosing from the alternative future course of the action .
Nature of the corporate planning :
The essential nature of corporate planning can be high lighted by examining the four major aspects : 1) Its contribution to the purpose & objectives. 2) Its primacy among the manager tasks . 3) Its prevasiveness . 4) The efficiency of resulting plans .
Every corporate plan must contribute to the achievements of bank objectives.
Importance of corporate planning by commercial bank : 1) To face the challenge of market environment : The commercial bank have to function in changing market environment . there is change in technology , income levels, policies of domestic & foreign market so these changes creating problems for the banks. The bank can handle these if proper planning is done. 2) To face uncertainties : The cp is needed to overcome uncertainties . the cp enables the bank management to face the current problems, prevent future uncertainties, adjust goals with the unforeseen environmental & make efficient use of their resources.

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