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Cost Control in Design Process of China’s Construction Project


Submitted By TyraAikly
Words 2554
Pages 11
Cost Control in Design Process of China’s Construction Project

As the ruthless competition in China’s construction industry, construction project requires a win-win method to acquire the maximal benefit and simultaneously to maintain the quality for keeping the place with the market. One method commended, cost control, especially in the design process, plays a very important role in the project procedure and financial management. This article presents the main implements of cost control utilizes in different aspects of construction and certain skills to control cost in design processes of construction project. These implements and skills could be very helpful for China’s construction companies to optimize their design process and offer beneficial influence to the following steps, increases the percentage of successful project in all projects; thereby to promote the development of the company and the whole industry.
Key words: Design Process; Construction project; Cost control

1. Introduction
Nowadays in China, the competition within construction industry is continuously increasing, and the profit spaces are limiting. As all the investment always expect for the maximal benefit, if a company want to keep the profit and position in the market in such complicated environment, the best method for it is applying cost control to the project.

Cost control in financial management is an important aspect of project management over the whole life of projects. Successfully managing costs ensures that the product of the project is financially viable and worthwhile. Cost controls are simply ways of expressing business plans in monetary terms. They express the money dimension of the project plan and generally represent the maximum amount of money the client is willing to expend. While they concentrate on the future, they provide the basis for active management

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