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'Critical Thinking In Ayn Rand's Anthem'

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Have you ever questioned yourself what are you doing about the things that matter the most in your life? The texts/videos we reviewed are Anthem by Ayn Rand, “Emancipation Proclamation” by Abraham Lincoln, “Prometheus” from Greek Mythology, Critical Thinking Audio by Leo, and as a class we did a Socratic Seminar. I have worked hard to do everything I can, so far, about the things that matter most in my life such as education, family, and myself. First of all, Equality in Anthem did just about anything about the things that mattered in his life even if he was breaking the law. According to Rand, when Equality discovered light the first thing that came to mind was that he was able to learn more than what he was just taught. Equality was very astute and he wanted to know more. He wanted to show the World Council his discover. As a result, he decided to escape to the Uncharted Forest after the World Council basically denied his discovery. Eventually, Liberty had found him, since she followed him, and decide to stay with home. After escaping, …show more content…
Critical thinking is how we analyze and think through our problems and obsitcles we have in life. In addition, proving and deriving the truth can make us critical think and develop deep understandings. The real question is, how can you do something for the things that matter in your life with critically thinking? Simple, you have to be an independent. You have to an independent thinker, follow your own indepent path, don’t rely on anyone, value your own opinions, etc. I believe that you can not rely on anyone because in the real world all you have is yourself. For example, so far my whole life I have relied on family and friends because I am afraid of being independent but in the future I am going to have to let go and be on my own. I can relate to this because a time when I did something for my family that required critical thinking was finding a way to manage

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