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David Walker's Appeal Summary

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David Walker was an educated college graduate, who had well-known background knowledge and awareness of society and it’s’ history. He used this as an advantage when he wrote Appeal, a piece of literature that would leave white Americans feeling uneasy and fearful after reading it, to the extent that Appeal was to be banned, though it never happened. The book was written for slaves and all African Americans. Walker’s intention was to make them fully realize just how horribly they were being treated and that should not put up with it, but rather take a stand and rebel against those who were doing it them. The ones who made not only their lives painstakingly awful, but their families as well. Walker’s content in this book held facts that he backed up with real quotes, and strong opinions that were to move the audience. …show more content…
The diction he used to deliver that touches empathy and sympathy, since he so directly brings attention to it. “...under this enlightened and Christian nation…” Slavery was looked down on in the bible, only the unholy sinners demanded it. This is a part that would make specifically the white religious slave owners feel a sudden guilt that they’ve ignored. Their actions go against what they believe in. Walker puts emphasis on this when he wrote “...endless miseries were be poured out upon, our fathers ourselves and our children, by Christian American!” Sarcasm and a sense of “how dare you call yourself a child of God” vibe projects off of those words. Self reflection most likely took place after grasping

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