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Dear Mr and Mrs


Submitted By bryanwisconsin
Words 1999
Pages 8
Dear Mr. and Mrs. ?????

Bryan Kelly

COM200: Interpersonal Communication

Instructor Angela Gillette


Dear Mr. and Mrs. ?????,

First off, let me welcome you to a brand new world of love, care, family bonds and holy matrimony. My name is Bryan Kelly, and I am going to give you an idea of how interpersonal communication is going to affect your lives, and the skills/knowledge you will need in order to find yourselves together and still happy 50 years down the road. Marriage today seems, to some, to be a fly-by-night operation. I stand here today writing you to let you know that this does not have to be the case. If you two are willing to take suggestions and follow a simple set of rules based on a health relationship built on proper interpersonal communication, then you have a chance to find yourself happy and in love for some time to come. Communication is the keystone to any strong relationship. In order to truly understand ourselves and our loved ones, we must first understand the way that we interact in our day to day intermingling.

Explain the principles and misconceptions in effective interpersonal communications. In the textbook Making Connections: Understanding Interpersonal Communication(Sole, 2011), we are shown that there are six basic principles at play regarding Human communications. First, we are told that communication is symbolic. Second, we are shown that communication is shared meaning. Third, communication is shown to be a process. Fourth, the argument is made that communication is culturally determined. Fifth, we are shown that communication occurs in context. Sixth, we are told that communication is purposeful. While these principles serve to explain the basic meanings behind how communications work, there will always be a basic misconception about how and what communication is mean

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