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Death, Dying, and Bereavement


Submitted By adam1106
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Pages 6
Test One, Take Home Test 1,2,3
Jamella Aljumail []
Mercy College of Ohio
REL 250:01- Death, Dying, and Bereavement
Dr. Karen Elliott, C.PP.S.
September 15, 2013

Question 1: Chapter 3 discusses the understanding of death in the Native American, African, Mexican, Asian, Celtic, and Hawaiian cultures. Choose ONE of the cultures discussed and state specifically what, in that culture’s understanding of death, is particularly meaningful to you. Explain in detail WHY it is meaningful.

Mexican cultures “joked about death and poke fun at it in their art, literature and music”. In early times Aztecs believed in the sacrificial rights. Aztecs believed that a person who was a sacrificial victim was known to be the “divine dead”. Mexicans also believed a way a person lives, that’s the way a person will die. “Tell me how you die and I will tell you who you are” (DeSpelder and Strickland, 2005). Mexicans decorate graves and death is apart of everyday life in the Mexican culture. Mexican cultures have a day to celebrate the dead called El Dia de los Muertos. The celebration begins the evening of November 1st and goes into the next morning. Mexican also believe that “shedding to many tears and excessive grief may make the pathway traveled by the dead slippery” (DeSpelder and Strickland, 2005).
In Islam, we follow the Quran and the beliefs that the prophet passed on to us (it states in the hadith). In my Muslim belief that the prophet (peace be upon him) said “you will die the way you lived. If you lived a life of disobedience, if you lived a life of sin, then you will die the same way. And you will be resurrected the way you die (Shan Junaid, 2012). Which is very important in Islam to live a pious life and pray to Allah. For example, we believe if a person all their life listened to music without listening to the words of Allah

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