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Definition Essay On Happiness

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Words 1736
Pages 7
Shalini Chattopadhyay
Happiness. How do we define happiness? Is it listening to the giggles of your child and watch them grow or is it the smell of mud after a heavy rain? Does it reside in unconditional love or dwells in watching the sun creep out of the water and rise into a new day? We value and seek happiness in our own way. But, did you know that in human beings, 50% of happiness is genetically determined, 10% is due to personal achievement for example: education, work and the remaining 40% depends upon our perception and feelings towards others? That was an example of human psychology. “To know how to do something well is to enjoy it.” – Pearl S. Buck .With this in account, every working individual looks for satisfaction in …show more content…
This is a story of elimination of a leader/manager from a very collegial educational institute in South Asia.
Instead of a normal evaluation, the management incorporated an anonymous multi-rater feedback. The 360 degree feedback, being anonymous, pointed the honest and negative aspects of the existing leader. Warning was given regarding the weak performance but the following year’s evaluation revealed the same result. The organization was forced to take actions against him.
In the case of Sharjah Islamic Bank, it sets targets at the very beginning of the year for each and every employee. Employee performance is then judged on the achievement of targets. Those who turn out successful are awarded with salary increase and bonuses whereas the defaulters are given chances to improve. If required, Sharjah Islamic Bank also provides needed training for knowledge and skill enhancement of employees to perform well in their

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