Premium Essay



Submitted By amo0onagh
Words 25547
Pages 103
Disclaimer: The characters and other things from The Vampire Diaries don't belong to me. Credit goes to the rightful owners.
"Cute PJs." Damon said casually to Elena as she entered the room, twisting around something on his fingers, betraying his tension beneath the calm exterior. "I'm tired Damon," Elena replied, a hint of warning in her voice as she watched him step closer.

"I brought you this," Damon said dangling her necklace in front of her, his pathetic excuse to see her and know that she was safe.

"I thought that was gone," Elena said in surprise, Damon shaking his head with the ghost of a smile on his face as memories flooded his mind, particularly when he held the same necklace in his hand, clasping it around her neck, refusing her challenge for him to compel an answer out of her.

"Thank you," Elena continued reaching out for the necklace but Damon pulled back his hand.

"Please give it back…" she said as fear crept into her eyes, unwillingly as her mind automatically recounted that fateful night. It played in her mind—how she walked in and found him, just like tonight, with that look in his eyes that almost made her run to him when he saved her.

"I just have to say something," Damon said stepping closer to her, the words almost spilling out of him with urgency.

"Why do you have to say it with my necklace?" Elena said instinctively pulling away from him as flashes of his urgent kiss, the anguish in his eyes and Jeremy dead in her arms.

"Because what I'm about to say is probably the most selfish thing I've ever said in my life," Damon said, his eyes reflecting the pain behind the decision.

"Damon don't go there," Elena pleaded, her heart beating rapidly as her mind continued on overdrive, making her relive the horror of a night so much like the one unfolding before her and in anticipation of the words that will define why he

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