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Design Doc for a Problem


Submitted By temp2308
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Algorithm :-

Goal Stack Method. For every operator applicable, we check if prerequisites are satisfied or not. We do so by checking if preconditions are a subset of current state. Then we see if it is a member of plan already, because it would lead to a recursive dead end. If above those are satisfied then we first delete the delete list from current state and then append the add list, that would lead to the next state. We will continue this way until the goal state is a subset of current state. That would give a successful plan.

Operators :-

go(R, X, Y) :- precond - [landMark(X, R), landMark(Y, R), switch(R, on), posRobo(R, X)] add - [posRobo(R, Y)] delete - [posRobo(R, X)]

push(B, X, Y):- precond - [landMark(X, R), landMark(Y, R), box(B, R, X), posRobo(R, X), switch(R, on)] add - [posRobo(R, Y), box(B, R, Y)] delete - [posRobo(R, X), box(B, R, X)]

turnOn(R):- precond - [posRobo(R, _), switch(R, off)] add - [switch(R, on)] delete - [switch(R, off)] turnOff(R):- precond - [\+ posRobo(R, _), switch(R, on)] add - [switch(R, off)] delete - [switch(R, on)]

roboCtoR(R, D):- precond - [posRobo(corridor, D), landMark(D, R), landMark(D, corridor), switch(R, off)] add - [posRobo(R, D), switch(R, on)] delete - [posRobo(corridor, _), switch(R, off)]

roboRtoC(R, D):- precond - [room(R), landMark(D, R), landMark(D, corridor), posRobo(R, D), switch(R, on)] add - [posRobo(corridor, D), switch(R, off)] delete - [switch(R, on), posRobo(R, _)]

boxCtoR(B, R, D):- precond - [landMark(D, R),landMark(D, corridor), posRobo(corridor, D), box(B, corridor, D), switch(R, off)] add - [posRobo(R, D), switch(R, on), box(B, R, D)] delete - [posRobo(corridor, _), box(B,_,_), switch(R, off)]

boxRtoC(B, R, D):- precond - [room(R), landMark(D, R), landMark(D, corridor), box(B, R, D), switch(R, on), posRobo(R, D)], add - [posRobo(corridor, D), box(B, corridor, D), switch(R, off)], delete - [posRobo(R,_), box(B, _, _), switch(R, on)]

Final States :-

Case 1 :- final state :- [posRobo(r1, d1)]
Case 2 :- final state :- [switch(r1, on)]
Case 3 :- final state :- [box(b2, r3, d3)]
Case 4 :- final state :- [box(b2, r3, d3), box(b1, r2, d2)]

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