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Submitted By dracole
Words 12089
Pages 49
Lauren A. Newell* In 1984, The Walt Disney Company (“Disney”) was riding the wave of success from its newest Resort,1 Tokyo Disney Resort (“Tokyo Disney”),2 which attracted 10 million guests3 in the first year alone,4 and its thoughts turned to further international expansion—this time, in Europe. After careful consideration of potential locations and preliminary negotiations with two European governments,5 Disney decided in 1984 to launch Euro Disneyland (“Euro Disneyland” or “EDL”)6 in Marne-la-Vallee, France. The ´ realities of opening and operating EDL in France were far different than Disney’s expectations when it began negotiations—so much so that the Resort narrowly escaped bankruptcy.7 For an “entertainment empire”8 like Disney, this was an unprecedented
* Assistant Professor of Law, Ohio Northern University, Pettit College of Law; B.A., Georgetown University, 2004; J.D., Harvard Law School 2007. 1 As used herein, “Resort” refers to a Disney resort property, consisting of (unless otherwise indicated), Parks, hotels, all entertainment facilities, and the transportation systems that connect them. “Park” refers to a Disney theme park, including (unless otherwise indicated) the park grounds, rides, and attractions, and surrounding resorts, hotels, and other Disney-affiliated entertainment facilities. 2 Tokyo Disney was Disney’s third Park and first international venture, located in Tokyo, Japan. See The Walt Disney Co., Annual Report (Form 10-K), at 11–12 (Nov. 21, 2012) [hereinafter Annual Report]. 3 Disney refers to Resort visitors and patrons as “guests.” This terminology derives from Walt Disney, who, at the opening of Disneyland Resort (“Disneyland”), established the motto “At Disneyland, the visitors are our guests.” BILL CAPODAGLI & LYNN JACKSON, THE DISNEY WAY: HARNESSING THE

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