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Different Leadership Style


Submitted By niangball
Words 2711
Pages 11
A Brief Summary Of The Situation At Vidsoft Management Essay
Since going public Vidsoft Technologies has witnessed rapid expansion and revenue growth. Its CEO, Keith Nash, has created and maintains a strong customer-responsive culture. To uphold levels of motivation employees are given a high degree of autonomy over their work. Teamwork is incentivized and promotions come quickly to those who fit the mold.
Alaji Babatunde - in his third year of employment and already a senior manager - manages two product lines and eleven staff. Unable to allocate his time effectively, he contemplates introducing a new layer of management to the organization structure. Babatunde identifies one suitable candidate among his staff and settles to look outside the company for the second. With the consensus of James White, Babatunde offers a management position to Jennah Li, a conscientious and admired member of the group. Soon after, Alex Hsu, a young engineer and a direct report of Li, cites irreconcilable differences and requests to be transferred to the group without a manager. Li, concerned that Hsu’s transfer may be seen as a sign of weakness on her part, insists he continue to report to her.
How can this situation be best resolved?
Babatunde’s first challenge is to understand why the problem manifested itself in the first place. The second is to match his managerial approach to the situation without further negatively impacting the equilibrium of the group. The solution requires a combination of transformational leadership to help Hsu and Li rise above their own self-interests and focus on the organization’s mission, and transactional leadership to maintain structure within the group.
Individuals join work groups for a number of reasons: security, self-esteem, status, affiliation, goal achievement and power (Robbins, Judge, Millett & Waters-Marsh, 2008:299). Work place norms

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