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Discourse Analysis and the Media


Submitted By quichebot
Words 7680
Pages 31
CONTENTS I. Introduction........................................................................................................2 II. Sociolinguistic Perspective................................................................................3 III. Data Selection....................................................................................................5 IV. Analytical Toolbox............................................................................................6 V. Analysis..............................................................................................................8
Whole text and communicative purpose......................................................9
Visual aids..................................................................................................13
Sentences and covert messages..................................................................14
Words and connotations.............................................................................17 VI. Conclusion.......................................................................................................19

I. Introduction

The same-sex marriage movement deals with what is arguably a leading social issue in the United States today. In 1996, the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) legally fixed the definition of marriage to be that which includes one man and one woman, including the provision that “states need not recognize a marriage from another state if it is between persons of the same sex” ( Grassroots organizations began to form on both sides of the debate concerning same-sex marriage reform. Most discourse research on the issue focuses on the ways in which the media and reform oppositionists (DOMA defenders) use language to display and perpetuate their social and political dominance over the pro-reform

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