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Disney Case Write-Up Notes


Submitted By papaluvu
Words 445
Pages 2
Disney Case Write-Up Notes

Walt Disney and its joint venture partner, Hong Kong gov’t. are struggling with Hong Kong park less successful than plan. Attendance lower than expected for three years since opening. Must come up with a plan to turn things around, with or without increased capital investment. Context to problem includes Disney’s mixed results with parks outside US (Paris and Tokyo) and importance of HK park given Disney’s plan for a park in Shanghai.
Need to look at reasons behind poor performance in order to come up with a plan. Could organize the problems several ways (look at planning vs. tactical problems or 5 C’s, 4 P’s, etc.). Issues include: * Small size * Site problems (environmental issues, too short an evaluation period) * Mismatch between product and target market (local and Mainland visitors * Seasonality issues * Pricing issues * Neglected importance of travel agents * Poor PR * Decision-making power primarily with American expats * Employee relations issues * Underestimated ability of Ocean Park to compete effectively * Poor environmental policies (fireworks) * Opened when not really ready * Poor capacity planning * Culturally tone-deaf * Poor employee relations
Should look at what fixes would require capital investment and what could be done with current funds
Should discuss issues of standardization and adaptation. What aspects of the Disney experience should be standard across parks and what should be adapted to local market needs.
Need to consider target market issues.
Could discuss pros and cons of joint venture approach

Specific plan for bringing park to profitability
Must discuss whether capital investment is required

Use the Problem-Analysis-Recommendation format. Label the sections. In the Problem section,

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