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Distinctively Visual Analysis Essay

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Description: The title of my work is “Monster Insides”. This artwork is an example of surrealism, which is art inspired by the unconscious mind. It is made up of different images put together into one work. It includes images like a photo of me in the middle staring at a mirror which reflects back a monster/demon like creature. It also includes the stormy sky at the window, a noose hanging from the ceiling, a person looking through one of the cupboards and a slightly visible demon like creature in the bottom left corner.

Analysis: Non-traditional principles like editing were used in this artwork. Editing was clearly used to add, change, resize, etc. images into this artwork to create the piece. Other elements that were used were colour, space and value. Firstly, colour was demonstrated by primary colours like red and secondary colours like purple in this work. It was also demonstrated due to the different hues different objects had, for example images/objects that were more in the light had a lighter hue compared to images/objects that were in darker areas of the image. Secondly, space was shown by the contrast of negative and positive space of each object/image in …show more content…
This demonstrates emphasis because since it is more to the middle of the image and stands out comparing to other parts of the image, it catches the viewer’s attention to that part of the artwork. Another principle is variety, this is demonstrated by having the main focus of the image as well as other little things all around the artwork that can hold the viewer’s attention throughout the whole artwork. The last principle that is shown in movement. Movement is shown in this piece by the red colour cloud like going through the image to bring focus to the middle which leads to the main focus of the image. My artwork shows emotionalism because it gives the feelings of fear and gives off a generally scary vibe due to the different images represented in the

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