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Submitted By hoangtheanh
Words 331
Pages 2
Causes and Effects of Divorce
Relationships are all about give and take, and to maintain them people must be willing to do the work. Today dissolution of marriage is being used as the easy way out when couples can no longer agree. Although people tend to think carefully before they get marriage, the rate of divorce continuously rise nowadays. There are three main causes of divorce: lack of communication, financial problems, and infidelity, which are explained throughout this essay.
The first significant cause for divorce is lack of communication. A marriage is on the rocks when the line of communication fails. Couples can’t have a good relationship if either spouse won’t discuss his or her feelings, can’t talk about his or her mutual or personal issues, or expect the partner to guess what the problem is about. Without healthy communication, couples have little chance of resolving any conflict that arises during their marriage. This includes conflict of opinion with regards to small issues and bigger ones, like religion, raising or having children, job opportunities and money management.
Another cause of divorce is financial issues. Budget problems and debt arising out of low or reduced income is an example of a financial cause of divorce. A couple struggling to make ends meet has the potential to cause conflict within the marriage. Fighting over how to budget becomes a major issue in the marriage. In many cases one of the partners is not happy with the overspending habits of the other individual. This can cause more stressful situation which leads to an unhealthy relationship and as a result a divorce.
The final and most common cause of divorce is infidelity. Infidelity leads to divorce and is probably the single most damaging thing that can happen to a marriage. Unfortunately, it is also one of the most common problems a married couple will face. The

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