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Do People Have Demons


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Do People Have Demons?

Afif Awad

English 110-15
Professor Candace Ramirez
14 December 2012

Do People Have Demons? Gene Wilder once said “I never thought of it as God. I didn't know what to call it. I don't believe in devils, but demons I do because everyone at one time or another has some kind of a demon, even if you call it by another name, which drives them.” Demons are living with us day in and day out. Most people do not see them or even realize demons are with them. No one though has the same demon. Some people have smaller demons and others have bigger demons that can a lot of problems in a person’s life. Demons are spirits that are to be messed around with. Demons are evil spirits that want to hurt, torture, and control you as much as they can until there is nothing anyone can do. Good thing for believers in Christ as long as we got Him on are side anything is possible no matter what. It is funny how the one thing we are scared of (demons) is scared of the God Christians worship (Jesus Christ). Even with numerous accounts of demon possession in the world and movie producers constantly making movies about demonic possession many people still do not believe demons exist. In today’s society demonic possession is looked at in two ways. In the religious side they look for demonic possession and usually treat it with an exorcism using a variety of tools, but the scientific side looks at demons as non-existent and tell the patient the certain disease they are plagued with and prescribe them with medication. Nobody knows one- hundred percent if demons do or do not exist, but today might help you decide whether or not they are real. What are demons you say? Demons are evil spirits that want to hurt God and his people as much as possible; throughout the biblical text demons are referred to as fallen angels (Slick). Demons do not have a physical form they are spirits that did not agree with God and his work. People believe they were mostly likely made before the world was and like their leader (Satan) they fell away from God (Slick). Demons are spirits not of this world that do not have any ethics and morals like ours. They want to experience life through living things with emotions and feelings. “Our world and existence is allowed free choice and that means that a demon inhabiting or getting someone to do what it wants is like living a soap opera without being the one suffering the pain (Hickok).” In reality more people are under demonic control than you would believe. Realistically people who are alcoholics or drug addicts are demonically possessed. People involved in astrology, Ouiji boards, tarot cards, fortune tellers, new age theologies open a whole new world for themselves that can possibly do nothing, but harm them in a very detrimental way. In today’s world more people than most people know are actually possessed and are doing theses evil works without even knowing it (Goldstein). Demons are not something that should be played around with. Demons can and will hurt you and at the same may cause you to hurt the people you love the most. Demonic possessions and treating it with an exorcism is an idea that has not been accepted my society. Even in 1973 when the Hollywood production The Exorcist came out exorcisms were rarely spoken of and people were very inexperienced with the topic (Kiely & Mckenna). Even today people still do not believe in such activity or even know about it. With the birth of medical science and how advanced technology gets every year the situation can be explained in natural terms. Doctors and psychiatrists often say the illness not possession is schizophrenia, epilepsy, and other forms of psychosis. It was found that many of illnesses could be cured, but if not cured at least controlled by confinement, electroshock therapy, counseling, and in today’s society with complex of medications (Kiely & Mckenna). Nothing is wrong with finding possible treatments with mental disorders, but there is a problem it is that with all these treatments a lot of people believe demons and demonic possessions are false. These doctors and psychiatrists now tend to believe that people who are trained with biblical practices such as exorcisms are scams. This belief by doctors has pushed away many people from getting the help they need from exorcists. Some patients do not need an exorcism because it is a minor possession, but some people do have major possessions and maybe the only thing that could possibly help them is an exorcism. It is sad that people with a certain profession are looked at as freaks. Exorcists are just normal people who think there is something more than just a disease sometimes. The advancement in technology which has advanced medicine has indeed helped the world, but at the same it has hurt the world by implying exorcisms are unneeded. With all these different views has lead too many unanswered questions that cannot fully be answered by anything of this world. These questions are demons real, do people have demons, and are exorcisms needed. These questions are a mystery to all and everyone has their opinion. In demon possession there are two kinds of possession. The kinds are spiritual and physical possession. People who are non-Christians are spiritually possessed and if they die not believing in Christ the devil takes them down to hell (Mayes). During this possession the devil does not control the person, but tries too. The person goes through every day making their own decisions the devil manipulates the people more than anything. For certain possessions people need to be careful not to mistake it by demon possession for a natural disease. Physical possessions which are at times mistaken are ecstasy, epileptic seizures, lethargy, insanity, frantic state of mind, and similar condition (Mayes). Paroxysms and stunning bodily movements should not be assumed to be demon possession. These sorts of symptoms could stem from purely natural causes, or could be partially assisted by the devil. There are primary symptoms to tell whether or not it is demon possession. One is when a person has knowledge of secret things being able to tell the future (Acts 16:16), find lost people or things, or know complex things that one has never learned. Fortune tellers get help from a spirit by asking for powers, so fortune-tellers are not possessed by evil spirits, but rather assisting them in their work. Another one is when knows languages they have never learned (usually ancient languages). Just as the devil can bind’s one tongue (Luke 11:14); in the early church it was reported that some accounts of demon-possessed people were able to speak unlearned languages. Last primary symptom of demon possession is supernatural strength (Mark 5:2-3); basically the strength is unnatural considered their size and sex. Demon possession is something that comes with a lot of cautious judging mistakes cannot happen. All of the circumstances and symptoms must be taken into consideration. Such traits as insanity should not be confused with possession. On the other hand, possession may be taking place even where these symptoms are absent. As a result there are primary examples for figuring if a person is demon possessed, but a can living soul can still be possessed even without these symptoms. There are many other symptoms of demon possession besides the minor ones. These symptoms are horrible shouting (Mark 5:5), blasphemy of God and mocking at one’s neighbor, distortion of movements (ferocious movements, facial contortion, immodest laughing, gnashing of teeth, spitting, removing clothes, lacerating self, Mark 9:20; Luke 8:26), inhuman merriment, torment of bodies, unusual injuries, extraordinary motion of bodies ( elderly people being able to run as fast as a horse, forgetfulness of completed tasks, the corruption of reason in man, melancholy, acceleration of death (Mark 9:18), and other supernatural occurrences (Mayes). Demon possession has, so many different symptoms and it is so hard to tell if a person is possessed or not. Some of these symptoms people usually just think of it is nothing, but it really is not. That is why people need to be very cautious if people around them or themselves experience symptoms like the ones that have been mentioned. In today’s society symptoms like these are just, so common, but people often think they are sick they should go to the doctor. In some cases going to the doctor is all that is needed with some medication, but sometimes it may be more than a sickness. It could be something much more than that could ruin the person forever and possibly hurt everyone who is around. In the end demon possession is something that should not be laughed at, but rather accepted. Doctors cannot heal and help everyone, but the power of God can and always will as long as the person believes. With the new age of science, so many things have been changed due to the advancement in technology. New age of science has led medical men to mock the belief of evil forces. Today’s doctors believe supposed demonic oppression and affliction are all diseases or disorders that can be cured with medication (Kiely & Medication). Such disorders or diseases or schizophrenia, epilepsy, other forms of psychosis, abnormal brain function, chemical imbalances, and personality disorders brought about by nature (Kiely & Mckenna). Doctors attempt to treat these cases with confinement to institutions, electroshock therapy, counseling, and the most common an elaborate complex of medications. It is understandable that doctors think people’s problems are just diseases not evil spirit possessions. People who have epilepsy have seizures. During seizures injuries such as popping bones out and tearing ligaments are common in major forms of epilepsy. Example Nathalie Awad at the age of three popped her collarbone out as she experienced an epileptic attack (Epileptic Attack). Another one is schizophrenia which is a mental disorder characterized by a breakdown of thought processes and by poor emotional responsiveness. Common symptoms include auditory hallucinations, paranoid or bizarre delusions, or disorganized speech and thinking, and it are accompanied by significant social or occupational dysfunction. The medical world has all these diseases that fit the criteria of a demonic possession and sometimes all it is a disease. Doctors often times do fix or decrease the problem, but those times that nothing changes even with medication people should look to help other people in the medical field. Janet Awad experienced a demonic possession on a member in his family, but no one even thought of that until the possession got out of hand. In the summer of 1976 Helen Awad started changing in the way she acted and spoke. She was very violent and cursed a lot which was uncommon for Helen. Her family took her to the doctor and the doctor prescribed to medication for the disease called schizophrenia. The medication did nothing and the case got worth. After a month Janet being religious started thinking of demonic possession and went to a priest with her family. The priest told the family that her is possessed and needs an exorcism. A couple days later the exorcism was performed and Janet said the demon said this as it was being casted out of her sister “curse who you all and go to hell” (Exorcism). See doctors cannot solve everything there are just some problems that can only be fixed by the work of God. There are many different ways to treat demonic possessed people and sometimes the doctors are right and all that is needed is medication. First step is to let an experienced physician who believes in exorcism to see if there is a medical explanation. Second once the possession is seen let the person be committed to the care of a priest of the Church who does everything from the soul for the Lord. Third help the person get to God. Get them to see recognition of their sins. Fourth after consolation has taken place get appropriate medication from a physician to be cleansed (possessed people often suffer from double disease). Fifth do not bring the person into the church. Let confession of the Christian faith be required, let the person learn the works of the devil destroyed by Christ. Sixth let prayers by all are put forth to God. Let these prayers be conditioned, if the liberation should happen for God's glory and the salvation of the possessed person, for this is an evil of the body. Seventh with the prayers let fasting be joined (Matt. 17:21). Eighth alms by friends of the possessed person (Tobit 12:8-9). Last if all this does not work the last thing to do is to perform an exorcism; the religious practice of evicting demons or other spiritual entities by the power of God. So as a result demons, evil spirits, whatever they should be called are of this world. There are so common in this world and that is not a surprise. The world is a very evil place that is constantly hurting people in many different ways. Too often people do not even think of demons because it is seen in movies all the time. Doctors cannot solve every person’s health problems and they never will be able to. Some diseases in today’s world do not even have guaranteed cures. Examples of these are cancer and epilepsy. Demons are real and scary more people need to believe rather than mock and show others or innocent people are going to die. I think are society thinks they are, so smart that they know the solution to all problems, but in reality they really do not. For demonic possession I believe more doctors should be open to working with priests to actually know what is going on So much research and time has been put into are evil spirits real and can people be possessed? Obviously people are being possessed by demons at times. More study needs to be looked into what is causing all these symptoms? How do these symptoms come about? More people need to actually educate on this topic because of how dangerous it can be to a person and everyone around them. The devil is so powerful and it will do everything it can to hurt you and do evil deeds for him. It is so easy to fall into the temptation of the devil because of how good he is at manipulation. He promises and gives things that fits your wants and then sucks you into a whole new world that no one could ever imagine. If more people knew how dangerous it was to play with certain evil items they would be better off. A another thing is why are certain items being made still that promote evil spirits if they do nothing, but harm people and the world. Too many people think such things has fortune tellers are just fun and games and at first that is all it is, but slowly it gets worse and soon enough one of the devil’s workers is in control of your soul. A stand in society needs to be taken on the use of demonic activity, but none of this will ever be possible without the help of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Works Cited
"Epileptic Attack." Personal interview. 6 Dec. 2012.
"Exorcism." Telephone interview. 7 Dec. 2012.
Goldstein, David. "The Truth About Demons." Power Christianity, n.d. Web. 10 Dec. 2012.
Hickok, Nita. "Articles." Astral Healer. N.p., 2009. Web. 13 Dec. 2012. <>.
Kiely, David M., and Christina McKenna. "Exorcism in Our Time." The Dark Sacrament: True Stories of Modern-Day Demon Possession and Exorcism. New York: HarperOne, 2007. XV-XXXIII. Print.
Mayes, Benjamin. "Demon Possession." Lutheran Theology, Apr. 2008. Web. 13 Dec. 2012. <>.
"Possession of Spirits." Holy Bible: New International Version. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2005. N. pag. Print.
Slick, Matt. "What Are Demons?" CARM. Christian Apologetics & Research Ministry, 2007. Web. 8 Dec. 2012. <>.

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