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Do You Agree That We Live in a Dangerous World?


Submitted By Randallv
Words 565
Pages 3
Do you agree that we live in a dangerous world?
Can you remember 9-11? Most people know about this infamous act of terrorism. Unfortunately, it was not the last one. Some people say that the world is becoming a better place in which to live, but we are exposed to an increasing number of dangerous situations. Be it in the physical world, or the virtual world, the number of threats has been on the rise, many times without us even aware of them.
Firstly, we are living in an era of wars. Although major wars such as World War II are long gone, there still exist many acts of violence and threats of mass destruction. These are due to advent of terrorism and relentless experimentation on nuclear weapons. These have resulted in increased tensions among major superpowers worldwide, notably North Korea against US and its allies. On a smaller scale, due to the issue to overlapping boundaries between neighboring countries, many people often get killed in border clashes. For example, Thailand and Cambodia had many border clashes in the last decade, leading to numerous deaths of soldiers and civilians alike. Besides, we often hear of suicide bombers in Iraq, in a bid to topple the current democratic government in place. Therefore, it is difficult to say that today’s world is a safer one.
Moreover, we face, see and hear about a lot more crime today than we did in the past. If you watch the news, you will hear about a lot of crimes such as random killings or intentional kidnappings in exchange for ransoms. Some murderers taken into custody have been proven to be psychopaths lacking rational thoughts. Thus their victims usually die horrible deaths without any plausible explanations. In most kidnap cases reported, it has been observed that violent and cruel methods are used against their hostages, sometimes involving torture. Not only do they ask for ransom, there are no guarantees that the hostage may return home safely. In extreme cases, in order to portray their seriousness, the kidnappers resort to mutilation of the hostages to garner attention.
Apart from that, there are cases of people dying due to the issue of money. In the present, it is difficult to live without a steady income. In the case of the low-income, despite slogging hard day and night, their incomes are often meagre. Some try to make ends meet through gambling, hoping to make a windfall, allowing them to lead easier lives. However, these miracles seldom come by. If they get into a desperate situation, they may borrow money from loan sharks. When the situation of being unable to repay the debt to the loan sharks arises, these people are mentally forced into a corner. Therefore, these debtors sometimes commit suicide because of the numerous threats against their own life and their families. Hence, money can act as double-bladed knife, causing people to fall into despair and eventually take their own lives.
In conclusion, there are many unknown dangers in this world of ours. For domestic dangers, like borrowing from loan sharks, people can avoid this danger by seeking other solutions to their problems. For external dangers like terrorism, one can prevent terrorists from striking by remaining ever vigilant and aware of any suspicious activity in your own vicinity. Only then, these dangers can be prevented from coming into reality.

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