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Submitted By villierj
Words 4345
Pages 18
28 DEC 2014 – 2 JAN 2015 2015
28 DEC 2014 – 2 JAN 2015 2015


The Cederberg 4x4 Christmas season activities begin on 16 December 2014 where interested people will have the option of participating in any of the three back to back trips being offered. The first would be the ever popular West Coast trip, then continuing to the Namib Desert New Year trip and ending with the Richtersveld return trip. Very important, it will be your choice how many of these back to back trips you will join. You are welcome to choose the trips that will suit your time available before having to return home.

Richard will be guiding all three of the trips mentioned above, starting 16 December 2014 on the West Coast and continue to Namibia spending Christmas at Amanzi camp on the bank of the Gariep River. From there he will continue to Solitaire, the rendezvous for the New Year Namib Desert trip starting 28 December 2014. On completing the New Year Namib Desert trip in Walvis Bay, Richard will head for the Richtersveld via Solitaire, Helmeringhausen, Seeheim, Hobas and Ai-Ais. The ferry at Sendelingsdrif will be used (depending on the Gariep River water level) to cross the border between Namibia and South Africa. From there he will head directly into the Richtersveld National Park. At least five days are planned to explore and enjoy the beauty of the largest rock desert in the world.

For more information visit the Cederberg 4x4 website to view the agendas for the West Coast trip 16 – 22 December 2014 and the A-Ais/Richtersveld return trip 3 – 10 January 2015 or contact the Cederberg 4x4 office for more information.

See West Coast agenda at
See Richtersveld agenda at


PLACE : LIVE THE JOURNEY CAMP IN SOLITAIR. GPS Coordinates S23° 53.646’ E016° 00.398’ DATE : SUNDAY 28 DECEMEBER 2014. Camping accommodation and meals are included for this evening.



Option 1 - Only complete the six day Faces of the Namib Desert trip.

Option 2 - Join Richard on all three back to back trips, with or without Off-Road Caravans and Trailers. Start with the West Coast trip 16 December, continue to the New Year Namib Desert trip and return home via the Richtersveld trip.

Option 3 – Participate in the Faces of the Namib trip and join Richard on either the West Coast trip en-route to the Faces of the Namib trip or return with him via the Richtersveld.


* Off-Road Caravans and Trailers CAN be accommodated on the West Coast trip. * Off-Road Caravans and Trailers CAN be accommodated on the Richtersveld trip. * Off-Road Caravans and Trailers CANNOT be accommodated on the Faces of the Namib trip. Secure parking is available in Solitaire for Off-Road Caravans and Trailers to be collected upon your return after driving the Faces of the Namib trip. Nominal cost might be applicable.

Most people will think you’re crazy or lost a few of your marbles when you tell them that you will be spending New Year in the Namib Desert. Little do they realize that the average ambient temperature during the day is approximately 25° Celsius. The reason is that during this time of the year the breeze is onshore, coming in from the cold Atlantic Ocean, bringing with it the cool air to be enjoyed during our visit. The evenings could in fact become quite cold and a warm jacket is always a good item to have on hand.


A mobile shower will be erected each night where camp will be set in the desert. You will be required to supply your own shower water, which can be heated on the communal fire. A toilet will also be erected at each camp in the desert.


For the past eight years Cederberg 4x4 has spent New Year in the Namib Desert. This will be the first time we will drive The Faces of the Namib and spend New Year in some of the most remote parts of the Namib Desert. Our visit this year will be done in conjunction with Live the Journey the concession holder, a company with an unblemished reputation for facilitating desert tours. We will visit desolate diamond settlements of the diamond rush in the early 1900’s and shipwrecks which ran aground along this remote section of the coast. Not to mention that you will be driving some of the highest dunes in the Namib Desert. Initially the dunes are small but grow bigger and higher each day. Your driving skills are honed each day, making those seemingly impossible dunes of the first day or two, look like chicken feed compared to the high dunes comfortably driven as the trip progresses.

Below is some information about the Namib Desert, the itinerary of the New Year trip, GPS coordinates of places that will be visited, essential requirements, fuel requirements, optional items to take, what will be supplied, what you need to bring, medical insurance, including personal evacuation and emergency contact numbers. Please ensure that you read the complete agenda as there are very important points and information that requires the attention of each participant, as it will help you plan your trip and ensure your safety at all times. Please ensure your vehicle is correctly insured and that your medical and evacuation insurance is in place. Enjoy peace of mind in correct planning ahead.

Experience in dune driving and overland camping with limited camping facilities is recommended but not a prerequisite to participate in the Faces of the Namib. The emphasis is definitely on what the Namib has to offer, the history of the fauna and flora, the history of the diamond era dating back to the early 1900’s, the history of the Topnaars whom still resident to the area.


Do you believe that travel should be about more than “just looking” – and that every journey should be a life-enriching experience? Do you yearn to go off-the-beaten-track and experience unspoilt nature? If you answered YES, then you MUST experience the Namib.
World’s Oldest Desert: Reported to be the oldest desert on earth, the Namib is approximately 80 million years old. Completely devoid of surface water, it is bisected by several dry riverbeds and is characterised by extensive, undulating dunes. The Sahara may be larger and Gobi more isolated, but the Namib is the very oldest, so on this trip, prepare for the best desert experience possible!
The Living Desert: At first glance, the Namib’s interior appears totally devoid of fauna & flora but look closely and you’ll find that apart from the diamonds and uranium that have been mined here, the desert’s unique plant and animal life is definitely another of its infinite treasures. One outstanding living wonder is the famous Welwitschia mirabilis, a plant that can live for up to five hundred years. Although its tenacity and longevity are remarkable, the fact that it has the appearance of a heap of garden refuse means that instead of an earth-shattering visual experience you may want to concentrate on its remarkable age when taking pictures!
The “Sheltering” Desert: At the start of the Second World War, German Henno Martin and his colleague and friend Hermann Korn, feared internment in a camp for Nazi’s. Consequently, they escaped into the Namib Desert. For two and a half years they eked out a living in this harsh environment. In later years, Martin published his account of this experience, titling his book, The Sheltering Desert and later their story was also made into a film. As you drive along, or when setting up camp, imagine trying to survive here without the luxuries offered to you on this trip. You may see the Namib in a different light!
* The Diamond Desert: The discovery of diamonds in 1908 around Kolmanskuppe initiated an uncontrolled rush of prospectors into the region. The German Government was forced to establish the so-called “Spergebiet” between 26° latitude south and Namibia’s southern border, stretching 100-kilometres inland. As a result, independent prospectors were forced to turn northwards beyond this area. This resulted in the discovery of diamonds at Spencer Bay and between Meob and the Conception Bay area (Spergebiet 2) during December 1908. This area became known as Spergebiet no 2. A total of 5000 diamond claims were registered in 1909 and hopeful fortune hunters tried their luck at Saddle Hill and Spencer Bay, also traveling via Swakopmund and Sandwich Harbour southwards towards Meob Bay. However, the small yields of diamonds from these claims meant few were successful in their pursuit of riches.
* Custodians of the Desert - the Topnaar community: The Nara fruit, a wild melon that grows in the Kuiseb River bed, is unique to the Namib Desert. For more than a thousand years it has been the traditional staple food of the Topnaar or ≠Aonin-people, one of the oldest communities of Namibia. The Topnaars belong to the Nama tribe, a Khoi group. Traditionally, the Topnaars acquired a lot of their food from the sea, spearing fish in the shallow water and hunting seals, birds and turtles. For this reason, they were also called Beachcombers by European settlers. Eventually, members of the tribe settled around the Kuiseb River, harvesting the Nara and keeping livestock. Prepare to learn more about these fascinating people and their way of life as we journey

The Desert of Everlasting Impressions. Extracts from Live the Journey tour diaries. * “The extent of what awaits you is hard to describe. It will change something about your humanity. Even if you only do one 4x4 adventure in your life, make sure this is the one.” (Barnie Louw, Editor DRIVE OUT)

* “Jy kan nie die Namib verlaat sonder dat dit ‘n indruk op jou gelaat het nie. Dit is ‘n ongelooflike ervaring wat jou ewig sal by bly” * “If there is somebody who has not been in the Namib, I can only say: DO IT NOW!! It is one of the last places to experience the rawness of unspoilt nature” * “It was nothing less than a truly brilliant experience and one that I would certainly do again.”

* “Ons kom op baie plekke, maar hierdie was die BESTE OOIT!”

* "Ek is 'n 13-jarige dogter wat die Namibtoer saam met my ouers gedoen het. Dit is 'n asemrowende ervaring - jy is weg van alles en ek kon weer 'n slag asemhaal en myself wees. Dit was my lekkerste vakansie ooit!!! Selfs lekkerder as my besoek aan Disney World in Amerika 2 jaar gelede. Dit is BESLIS een van die "TEN THINGS YOU HAVE TO DO BEFORE YOU DIE"!!! -------------------------------------------------
If this is your introduction to the Namib Desert, expect the exceptional. The emphasis of the tour is not only on the adrenaline thrill of dune driving, but a huge part of its focus is studying the plants, small creatures and wildlife all of which make this desert their home. Enjoying the Namib’s incredible views and history is also emphasized. Our guides will capture your imagination with their knowledge on the fauna and flora of the desert or historical facts. They will also wow you with their cooking skills; preparing three mouth-watering meals each day and make you chuckle! Equally, if you are a seasoned desert traveller you will find our Faces-tour to be both an unparalleled adrenaline rush and a journey of discovery. The dunes along this stretch of the Namib are higher and more challenging than elsewhere. Driving here requires good technique and discipline to manoeuvre from one dune strait to the next. The magnitude of what awaits you is difficult to express in words. Although the tour’s emphasis is not solely on 4x4 and off-road driving, driving on and over the world's highest sand dunes means previous experience and a proficiency in off-road driving are recommended. Beginners will be talked through each phase of the journey.


DAY 1 <> 28 DECEMBER 2014 <> Overnight Solitaire

We assemble at Solitaire late afternoon. This is the time to get last minute supplies and fill fuel tanks to the brim. Remember you need fuel for six days. Since many group members may have been to Sossusvlei (one of the highlights of Namibia), a visit there is not included in our current itinerary. Tonight you will have the opportunity to meet guides and fellow travellers. After a detailed briefing of what to expect the next couple of days, you will be treated to a lovely meal around the campfire.

DAY 2 <> 29 DECEMBER 2014 <> Solitaire to Kuiseb River Canyon

We depart from Solitaire and enter the Namib Nauklüft Park, 35kms north of the town - restricted Namib area. This is the start of a unique adventure offering you aspects of the Namib seldom experienced by the “normal” tourist. We cross the Namib plains more or less on the same ox-wagon route followed by early settlers, German Schutztruppe (on horseback & camels) and ‘transport ryers’ in the late 1800s.

The route leads to the Kuiseb River. The landscape gradually changes from the typical Namib Plains into a colourful landscape of red sand dunes separated by grassy plains. The Kuiseb Canyon offers unique scenery. Its southern bank is formed by massive red sand dunes and northern bank by pitch black rock formations, while the riverbed itself is overgrown by massive endemic trees. The dry sand bed creates a kaleidoscope of green and white tones. We now proceed westwards along the edge of the canyon until we reach a spot were the dunes fall right into the river, near Homeb.

Depending on the status of the river (floods can occur) we will ‘slip’ into the river enjoying its unique eco- system. This includes a variety of trees and an abundance of birds. We will cross over onto the northern bank of the Kuiseb Canyon, enjoying breathtaking views. On the northern side of the Kuiseb we will come across the southernmost examples of the Welwitschia mirabilis plant, endemic to the Namib Desert. Although the plant looks as if it has many leaves, it has only two, shredded by the wind over the course of centuries. The plant’s scientific names are a combination of the first European to describe it, a Slovenian botanist named Friedrich Welwitsch, and “Mirabilis” which comes from Latin and refers to its marvellous ability to survive in harsh, apparently waterless conditions. The night is spent under the desert sky!

Day 3 <> 30 DECEMBER 2014 <> Desert Crossing!

The Namib Desert follows the coast of Namibia for approximately 2000 kilometres. It varies in width from 80 to 200 kilometres where it meets the Namib Escarpment. The most important climatic feature of the Namib Desert is its sparse and highly unpredictable annual rainfall which ranges from 5 mm in the west to about 85 mm along its eastern limits. Our aim with this trip is to drive across the desert from east to west experiencing the dramatic change in the environment. From Homeb, we head southwest into the “sand sea”. On the way to Conception Bay massive dunes are negotiated. Once again ever-changing scenery and beautiful landscapes are enjoyed. Drivers’ skills are bound to be improving as the dunes offer greater and greater challenges. The dune straits are massive, and the dunes themselves even more impressive. Most are in excess of 150m high. We once again make camp amongst the dunes, enjoying the unique thrill of desert camping.

Days 4 & 5 <> 31 DECEMBER 2014 & 1 JANUARY 2015 <> Conception Bay and Ghost Towns

When in the desert time becomes irrelevant. All things being equal and going according to plan, New Year’s Eve should be spent in close proximity to Conception Bay. There is no better place to experience New Year than in the Namib Desert. It is an experience that will remain with you for the rest of your life.

In the area between Conception Bay and Meob Bay the mining settlements of Holsatia, Charlottenfelder and Grillenberger were established during the heyday of diamond mining. No form of engine-driven transport was available during the first 15 years of exploration. Transporting supplies and mining equipment happened mainly by ship from Swakopmund or using the cutter and the Viking boats, traveling via Sandwich Harbour, Conception and Meob Bays. Various shipping casualties occurred, such as when the Eduard Bohlen was stranded near Conception Bay in 1909. This rusty wraith is something exceptional to behold! During 1912/1913 a light railway from Conception Bay to Conception Water, and an 80-kilometer pipeline linking the settlements, were constructed. It is not clear how many pre-fabricated buildings were erected at the various settlements, as only the foundations of some of these are still visible today.

The exploration of Namibia by Europeans commenced from this coastline as early as 1485, although the inhospitable Namib Desert barred access to the interior. Probably the first European to set foot on Namibian soil was the Portuguese explorer, Diogo Cao or Diogo Cam, followed by Bartholomew Diaz two years later, on 8 December 1487. This date represented the holiday of "Maria's Conception". Therefore the bay received the name" Santa Maria da Conceicao" (Conception Bay). Today you will most likely see vast flocks of birds, drive past Cape Fur seal colonies, visit the wreck of the Eduard Bohlen near Conception Bay and see various relics dating back to the diamond mining era. In November 1914 all the people in this area were requested to stop operations and to proceed to Swakopmund. This order came as a result of an expected invasion of allied troops. This part of the journey is something history buffs will particularly enjoy…Keep a look out for wandering ghosts!
Tonight you will be camping in the Conception Bay area, either at “Leeukoppie” (Lion’s Head) or at “Conception Water” – depending on progress and/or weather).

Day 6 <> 2 JANUARY 2015 <> “Langewand” to Walvis Bay

The dune belt opens up between Meob Bay and Conception Bay, but immediately after Conception it stretches right onto the beach. From Conception Bay you will be driving on the beach. Scenery is truly magnificent. You will also experience driving freedom – BIG TIME!! We are heading northwards towards Sandwich Bay passing the wreck of the Shawnee and negotiating the famed Langewand where massive dunes come straight down into sea. There are only two or three places in the world to see this natural phenomenon. Due to the tides, there is only a very limited time span to negotiate this stretch of beach. After Langewand the trail once again leads into the dunes, circumnavigating the salt pan ‘extensions’ of Sandwich Harbour. The dunes are still getting progressively larger, offering drivers an ever-changing dune driving experience.

From Sandwich Harbour the trail enters the roller coaster, a series of massive ‘roaring’ slip faces, not only giving you a thrilling experience but also offering breathtaking views of the harbour and a panorama of sandscapes on the way to Walvis. The trip concludes over dinner at a restaurant in Walvis Bay. Accommodation for the last evening in Walvis Bay is included. The time has sadly come to say your good-byes to new friends made during this adventure of a lifetime.


The following items are mandatory for each participation vehicle * Spade * 60 litres water in total of which 20 litres will be used by the kitchen and the remainder will be for showering and personal use * Bottled water for drinking * Tyre pressure gauge * Toilet paper & matches * Plastic bags to carry waste (e.g. empty cool drink tins, etc.) * Brake fluid * Gear oil * Engine oil * Fuses * Spare V- Belt set * All equipment and luggage must be strapped in and securely fastened. * Vehicle must be loaded in such a way to ensure that the vehicle is not “Top Heavy” – e.g. only light items, camping gear on roof carriers. * The trail passes through heavy dune area, which requires high flotation tyres ("fat takkies"). * Each vehicle will be required to carry 2 x large bags of firewood per vehicle. * NB!! It is a prerequisite to have proper recovery points front and rear on all vehicles. FUEL
Sufficient Petrol/Diesel to cover the distance – 550KM. Heavy sand driving conditions will be experienced. Consumption of between 2 – 3km/lt for larger petrol and 3 – 4km/lt for diesel engines respectively can be expected. Plan your diesel capacity accordingly.


Hi lift or Air Jack & Q20 Spray
Extra Spare wheel (no 6)
Small broom & Small spade


* Communication radios for all participating vehicles * Meals (Only Tea/Coffee and fruit juices supplied with meals) * “Communal” camping equipment (e.g. braai grid, cooking facilities & equipment, tables, wash-up facilities, shower, toilet etc.)


* Tent, folding chair & sleepwear (bedroll, tent etc.) * Eating utensils (cutlery, plate, bowl, glass & mug) * Own snacks & refreshments (alcoholic beverages, cool drinks etc.) * Torch & batteries * Camera (extra battery & memory cards) * Sunglasses & sun tan lotion * Broad rim hat * Clothing (the days could be very hot and the night very cold) * Toiletries & towels * Prescribed medicine * Small bowl or collapsible wash basin


Please confirm your dietary preferences when booking.


Clients need to take out their own travel insurance and emergency evacuation cover in case of a motor vehicle accident, heart attack or any other medical emergency.

Should you require any additional information, please contact the Cederberg 4x4 office in this regard.

NB. Please supply detail of this information when booking that we know whom to contact in case of an emergency.


A pre-trip briefing will be held at De Kelder Restaurant on Wednesday 26 November 2014. Please bring your questions to be discussed and answered. Should you require information before the pre-trip briefing, contact the Cederberg 4x4 office soonest.


We will be out of range of any cell phone reception or normal telephone services. We will however be in regular contact with our office in Cape Town. Should anybody need to get hold of you urgently, contact the office of Live The Journey in Walvis Bay on + 264 64 220 571. Closer to the trip the contact details of the guides will be circulated as well as the satellite phone number that will be used on the trip. GPS COORDINATESWaypoint Name | Waypoints | Charlotten | S24° 11.784’ E014° 37.303’ | Conception Bay | S23° 55.006’ E014° 30.008’ | E Bohlen | S23° 59.757’ E014° 27.464’ | Fishersbrunn | S24° 38.841’ E014° 43.336’ | Gorogos | S23° 16.413’ E014° 29.349’ | Holsazia | S24° 09.257’ E014° 37.023’ | Homeb | S23° 38.297’ E015° 10.946’ | Langewand | S23° 34.365’ E014° 29.513’ | Start of Trail | S23° 37.096’ E015° 50.170’ | Rooibank | S23° 10.812’ E014° 38.916’ | Saagberg | S23° 43.904’ E015° 50.978’ | Sandviskamp | S23° 21.661’ E014° 30.885’ | Sandwich Harbour | S23° 23.345’ E014° 29.307’ | Shawnee | S23° 40.378’ E014° 30.173’ | Solitaire | S23° 53.646’ E016° 00.398’ | Swartbankberg | S23° 18.258’ E014° 49.352’ | Walvis Bay | S22° 57.222’ E014° 30.200’ |


Use the tables below to calculate your personal cost for the three options of your choice for the New Year trip to the Namib Desert. Prices for the Namib Desert trip are subject to increases without prior notice.

| COST | Nr. Participants | TOTAL | Namib Desert 28 Dec – 2 Jan > Adult | R7500-00pp | | | Namib Desert 28 Dec – 2 Jan > 12 – 17yrs | R2475-00pp | | | Namib Desert 28 Dec – 2 Jan > 6 – 11yrs | R1875-00pp | | | Namib Desert 28 Dec – 2 Jan > 0 – 5yrs | FREE | | | Optional West Coast 16 – 22 Dec > Separate Agenda | R2295-00pv | 1 | | Optional Richtersveld 3 – 10 Jan > Separate Agenda | R1850-00pv | 1 | | TOTAL | |

Namib Desert – Included in the cost above are concession fee, levies, accommodation night one and the last evening in Walvis Bay, guide fee and meals per person.

West Coast – This is an optional activity and the cost is per vehicle. See separate agenda.

Ai-Ais/Richtersveld – This is an optional activity and the cost is per vehicle. See separate agenda.


Participants will be required to complete separate booking forms for each one of the three trips you will be joining.


Should you wish to join other families and friends on this trip, please contact Marina on 021 913 4632 immediately to obtain the booking form and secure your place.

* When booking please notify Marina of the individual trips you intend doing. * We can only accommodate a maximum of 12 vehicles on this excursion. * A minimum of 14 x adults are required for this trip. * Cederberg 4x4 requires a deposit of R2500pp indicating your intent to join this trip. * Your booking will only be confirmed when your deposit and completed / signed booking form is faxed to 021 913 2333 for attention Marina. * The full outstanding amount is payable (30) thirty days prior to the start of the trip. * Contact the Cederberg 4x4 office for alternative payment arrangements. * Your completed and signed booking form binds you to all conditions on page one and two of the booking form. * Should you wish to cancel or withdraw after booking for this trip, you will be required to find other people to take your place before any refunds or credits will be considered.


FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT MARINA on 021 913 4632 Visit our website for more tour options

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...CLC: Marketing Analysis Research Report: Product Selection and List of Sources Due Date: Jan 18, 2014       Max Points: 50.0 Description This is a Collaborative Learning Community assignment - 1. Identify a product that will be the focus of your research. The product might be one of personal interest (e.g., computers/electronics, cell phones, cars, food services, home health care) or concern (e.g., blood diamonds, tobacco). 2. In a Word document, briefly describe the consumer appeal and environmental factors that you think might influence the market for this product. 3. Also, propose how this product could have implications for ethical, social responsibility, or global issues in the market. Refer to “Research Report Outline” for a list of possible ethical and social responsibility issues in marketing. With instructor approval, you may also choose an issue that is not on the list. Do some preliminary research (on the Internet and/or in the GCU Library) to ascertain if source information on the product (and/or industry) is available. Avoid choosing a product for which data is difficult to find. Find a minimum of three sources that you think will provide sufficient information for your analysis and make a list for instructor approval. Submit the assignment for instructor approval by the end of Topic 1. Instructor must approve product selection and sources and will advise the student by the third day of Topic 2. You are not required to submit this assignment...

Words: 483 - Pages: 2

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...reliable news resource. Your article may be on any type of microbe and may be a story about the positive effects or negative effects of a particular microbe. However, You may not discuss an organism that you have already discussed in your week 1 or week 2 discussion. You will read the article and submit a 200 to 300 word student original summary of the article in Microsoft Word format (.doc or .docx) only. You may discuss the findings of the article as well as your personal thoughts about the story.  You must convey the information in your article by paraphrasing, as direct quotation in science is not acceptable. Your document should follow APA Format with regard to font, font size, margins and referencing. You should prepare a one page document with the title at the top and full reference in APA format, including the full URL of the news article, at the bottom of the page, following your short essay/summary. (Separate title page, abstract, & separate reference page are not required for this assignment.) Please attach your completed assignment word doc to the  Microbe in the News Dropbox. This is due by 11:59 PM EST on Sunday. Grading Rubric: 10 points grammar/spelling, 10 points APA formating including appropriate reference with URL, 10 points assignment met...

Words: 259 - Pages: 2

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Chapter 9

...Service Agency (FSA). FSA is an agency of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). 3. Where and how would a Large Company borrow to finance inventory? To build a new factory? To buy another company. Companies can borrow from banks or sell stock and issue bonds to raise money. 4. Where and how would a city borrow to build a new baseball stadium? New schools? Replace a sewer system? Cities can issue municipal bonds where to raise money for such new projects. 5. Where an how would the Federal Government borrow to finance the Federal Debt of over $17 trillion? The Federal government issues debt by selling treasury securites suchas bonds notes, savings bonds. Compose a document and attach the file in Microsoft Word (.doc, .docx) or Rich Text (.rtf) format. If I can't open your attachment you will receive a zero. If you have any questions about how to format your work contact ANGEL...

Words: 266 - Pages: 2

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Chapter 9 Law Paper

...Facts: Oklahoma State University provided Professor Eric Angevine with a computer linked to the university network, and through it to the Internet. Angevine used this computer to download over 3,000 pornographic images of young boys. After viewing the images and printing some of them, he deleted the files. Tipped off by Professor Angevine’s wife, police officers seized the computer and turned it over to a police computer expert who retrieved the pornographic files that the professor had deleted. The Oklahoma State University computer policy states that: The contents of all storage media owned or stored on University computing facilities are the property of the University. Employees cannot use University computers to access obscene material. The University reserves the right to view or scan any file or software stored on a computer or passing through the network, and will do so periodically to audit the use of University resources. The University cannot guarantee confidentiality of stored data. System administrators keep logs of file names, which may indicate why a particular data file is being erased, when it was erased, and what user identification has erased it. The trial court held that federal agents did not need a warrant to search Professor Angevine’s office computer because he had no expectation of privacy. The judge sentenced him to fifty-one months in prison for “knowing possession of child pornography.” The professor appealed. Issue: Did Professor...

Words: 524 - Pages: 3

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...MGMT520 Legal, Political, and Ethical Dimensions Professor Deardurff Assignment I By Rodney L. Joash | | 1. State the administrative agency which controls the regulation. Explain why this agency and your proposed regulation interests you (briefly). Will this proposed regulation affect you or the business in which you are working? If so, how? Submit a copy of the proposed regulation along with your responses to these five questions. The proposed regulation can be submitted as either a separate Word document (.doc) or Adobe file (.pdf). This means you will submit two attachments to the Week 2 Dropbox: (2) a Word doc with the questions and your answers and (2) a copy of the proposed regulation you used for this assignment. (10 points) DEPARTMENT OF HOMELANDSECURITY Office of the Secretary-Nondiscrimination in Matters Pertaining to Faith-Based Organizations-I am interested in the proposed regulation because I am involved in a religion or faith base organization. This will affect the organization to received funds with other non-profit organizations. 2. Describe the proposal/change.  Consistent with the President’sinitiative, this proposed rule would amend DHS’ regulations to make clear that faith-based organizations are eligible to participate in any social or community service programs established, administered or funded by DHS (including any component of DHS) (collectively, ‘‘DHS service programs’’), and are eligible to seek and receive Federal financial...

Words: 347 - Pages: 2

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Sands Corp

...To : OCAD Students From : Danesh Gojer ASSIGNMENT 3 Case : Sands Corporation Class : Friday November 20, 2015 Assignment : You are the Vice President of Manufacturing, Sands Corporation reporting directly to the President of the company. You are to write a full report on the present predicament facing the company. The report will be read and used by the President of the company. Deadline : 5 PM on Sunday, November 22, 2015 in a soft copy format to the following address Please send the copy in both a doc or docx format as well as a PDF format. Groups : This assigment is to be done in groups. However no group is to have more than four members. Please include all the names of the group members in the submission. Guidelines for submission 1) Word limit Word limit for your report: 1,200 (Exclude from the count any exhibits). Penalty for exceeding the word limit: one sub-grade if the total number of words is between 1,201 and 1,300; one full grade if the number of words is more than 1,300. Please write down at the end of the assignment the number of words you have used in the body of the assignment. Any verbal tables (as opposed to predominantly quantitative tables) and footnotes (other than references) that you use in the body of the report should be counted. If you use any text boxes in the body of the report, please count the words in them separately and add it to the total number of words quoted. Any attempt to cheat...

Words: 278 - Pages: 2

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Student your story. It must include your interview sources’ name, city of residence and current daytime phone number. * A note on identifying sources within your “Person on the Street” story: Include the source’s full name, class in school (freshman, sophomore, junior, senior), his or her major and where he or she is from on first reference. For example: “I’m not going to vote for Barack Obama,” said Susan Sandoval, a junior philosophy major from Fresno. If you quote the same person a second time, attribute as follows: “I support Mit Romney because he’s rich,” Sandoval said. -----------------------------------------------------------Your story should be between 450 and 500 words. • Writing requirements: You assignment must be a Word doc file, typed and double-spaced....

Words: 364 - Pages: 2

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Successful Online Learning

...Time Management Preview and Reflection 2 Instructions Complete the calendar below, looking ahead to Modules/Weeks 6, 7, and 8. Include your general daily responsibilities and appointments, as well as all course assignments, including textbook readings, presentations, and websites. Use red font (ink) to show your course assignments, and indicate how long you will spend on each assignment and when you will submit it. If you copy/paste these modules/weeks from your term calendar, then update and add more specific information, you will not need to recreate the entire 3 modules/weeks. It may be helpful to include your assignments for other courses in a different color ink as well. HINT: Each assignment must be submitted by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on the due date. Once you have completed the calendar as a preview/planner for work that is to come, take a few moments to review how you are doing with time management so far. Look back at the previous modules/weeks and consider your work this module/week to evaluate your use of time. Below the calendar, write a reflective paragraph (at least 100 words in 4–6 sentences) that describes (1) how you used time well to complete your course work, (2) what did not go very well, and (3) how you plan to change so that the problems are not repeated. Also reflect on the following questions: Are you seeing any changes in the way you think about managing your time? Have you now minimized/eliminated any activities or changed any routines you followed before...

Words: 378 - Pages: 2

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Time Management

...Time Management Term Calendar with Reflection Instructions Once you have completed the Time Management: Lists activity in your textbook’s time management chapter, you are ready to begin this assignment. (Do not begin this assignment until you have completed that activity, as you will need it to do this work.) Complete the 2-month calendar provided in this document. Begin by filling in the days/dates that apply to the term of this course. Then put in routine activities in your life. This must include work, family, and church activities. Schedule in everything that you know is happening in your life during this course. Is there a wedding, family reunion, weekend trip, church supper, team sporting event, concert, movie, charity work, etc. that you will be engaged in? If so, add it to the calendar. The calendar cells will expand to accommodate your entries. Once you have added all those activities, write in the course assignments, based on the deadline for each. Use red font (ink) to show your course assignments. Now that you have completed your calendar, review it carefully, and consider the following questions in an honest assessment of your time. 1. Are your days/weekends full? 2. Are you surprised at how little time is left once all your commitments are included? 3. How can you plan time for school activities, given what you know of the commitments you have in the months of this course? 4. Is school just “one more thing” in your schedule, or have you given...

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