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Drug Addiction of Teenagers


Submitted By carrenjoycegar
Words 1432
Pages 6
Republic of the Philippines
Bustos Campus
Bustos, Bulacan

FIELD STUDY 1, 2 & 3
The Learner’s Development and Environment
On Becoming a Teacher
Experiencing the Teaching – Learning Process



In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements
In FIELD STUDY 311a, 311b & 311c

Submitted to:
Supervisor, Student Teaching

Submitted by:
BEED – Generalist / III-I


Republic of the Philippines
Bustos Campus
Bustos, Bulacan

A RECOGNIZED LEADER for excellence in institution, research and extension services; a KEY PLAYER in the education and formation of professionally competent, service – oriented, and productive citizen; and a PRIME MOVER of the nation’s sustainable growth and development.
The student shall primarily provide higher professional, technical and special institution for special purposes and promote research and extension services, advanced studies and progressive leadership in Agriculture, Commerce, Education, Fishery, Public Administration, Technical and other fields that may be relevant (RA 7665).
The College of Education ensures the attainment of empowered and competitive graduates through: 1. Provision of globally competitive skills for graduates. 2. Generation and transmission of knowledge in the discipline relevant and responsive to dynamically changing domestic and international environment. 3. Provision of equitable access of education opportunities to deserving qualified clienteles: 4. Optimization of social and individual returns and benefits derived from utilization of resources.
Objectives of the Bachelor of Elementary Education (BEED)

1. To provide

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