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Early Jamestown Settlement Research Paper

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In 1607, 104 English men and young boys arrived to North America to start a settlement and on May 13th, they arrived at Jamestown, Virginia. This was the first permanent settlement in America. Immediately, dismal conditions prevailed, a numerous amount of settlers chose to seek agricultural ventures, and people began to starve. Settlers were dying of hunger, attacks, lack of supplies, and diseases. The settlement had barely any strong leadership, and this took a toll of them. The leadership began to get better with the election of Captain John Smith, he brought about improvements with their food issues. He forced all of the colonists to work and negotiate food with local Indians, which did not last very long and eventually led to the “Starving Time” in 1609 through 1610.
The economic status for the settlement started to progress with the introduction of tobacco as a cash crop in 1612. Unfortunately, with the advancement of attaining the new cash crop, they still had poor living conditions. As far as religion, the settlers were having a great spiritual struggle, they did not have a strong Christian commitment. They felt as if they did not have time to praise God because of all of the problems that they were facing. There was a great amount of discrimination in the first settlement, in fact, …show more content…
There are still people dying from diseases, lack of supplies, attacks, and hunger, but we now have programs and people more willing to help others going through these hardships instead of them just having no way out and having to figure out everything on their own. We have more knowledge on the items we need and how to get them more than we had in 1607. In America now, we have very strong leadership, our president takes care of us and our needs as far as food, trade, and safety. We have the ability to feel much safer now than the settlers had back in

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