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Eco212 Market Structures


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Differentiating Between Market Structures
ECO/212 Principles of Economics
Monday, November 8, 2007
Dr. Rudolph

Differentiating Between Market Structures
Executive Summary Starbucks coffee has been around since 1971. With its objective to be the most recognized company for coffee in the world, the company faces a great task of expansion. “Starbucks mission is to inspire and nurture the human spirit one person, one cup and one neighborhood at a time” (Starbucks corporation, 2005). Starbucks plans are derived from their unending customer service that is influenced by the labor market and market structure of the company. They know the value of their employees so they continue to aid them in his or her everyday success and well being. Although the company has expanded its services oversees it has been challenged greatly in the categories of goods for North America. The natural monopolies have challenged the company to venture into new avenues that will allow them to continue earning money from their once leading specialty coffee.

Categories of Goods All goods can be put into a certain category based on whether or not the good is “rival” and/or “excludable”. A good is considered to be rival when “one person’s consuming a unit of a good means no one else can consume it” ( Hubbard & O’Brien, 2010, p. 148). A good is considered to be excludable when “anyone who does not pay for a good cannot consume it” (Hubbard & O’Brien, 2010, p. 148). By determining whether or not a good is rival and excludable can determine what category of good the product falls within; Private, Public, or Natural Resource. “A Private Good is defined as a good that is both rival and excludable” (Hubbard & O’Brien, 2010, p. 148), an example of this would a cup of coffee from Starbucks. By someone consuming the coffee,

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