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对外经济贸易大学 University of International Business and Economics


学号 20101110070 20101110071 姓名 宋钰 王倩 学院 国际经济贸易学院 专业 金融 课程 计量经济学 时间 2010 年 12 月


内容提要: 本文以2009年31个国家宏观经济情况和当年S&P公布的主权债务评级为研究对象,通过将主权债务评级数量化并求对数的方法转化为一般的变量,运用简单的线性回归方法回答“主权债务评级是否包含宏观经济运行状况”的问题,同时,运用简单的残差分析解决了经典线性回归方法的结果在因变量取有限值时的准确性问题。经验研究结果表明,主权债务评级与宏观经济变量之间存在着一定的相关性。 关键词: 对数转换 残差分析 主权债务评级

在坎托和帕克(Cantor和Packer,1996) 对主权评级进行的实证研究中,他们利用49个国家的横截面数据,使用了8个宏观经济变量回归拟合了标普和穆迪主权风险评级,得出了一个被学术界广泛认可的评级指标体系,共包含8个变量:人均收入、GDP增长率、通货膨胀率、财政平衡、外部平衡、外债、经济发展、违约史。朱特勒和麦卡锡(Jtittner和McCarthy,1999)增加5个变量形成了具有13个备选变量的模型。他们对全部市场和新兴市场、亚洲金融危机前后的国家风险分别进行了实证研究,通过模型的变量筛选,形成多个模型,并认为:新模型对历史现象具有更高的解释力;全部市场和新兴市场国家风险特性解释变量差别较大;危机前后模型选择的解释变量差异较大。Mahoney(2003)和Martinez、Levey等(2004)采用GDP、债务、出口、政府效率等指标,分别对政府发行的本币/外币债券的评级结果进行了模型研究,其拟合优度分别为87%、91%。Alexe和Hammer(2003)利用标普的评级,使用GDP、汇率等12个变量进行回归拟合,模型的拟合度为88.6% 。

三、数据来源 * 主权信用评级数据的获得 大多数有关主权信用评级的研究都将评级机构发布的AAA等类型的等级转化为数值等级。另外,除了定期发布主权信用等级之外,国际知名的评级机构通常也会在正式宣布升级或降级之前,定期公布或正面或负面的等级展望报告,并且随后发布一些关于主权等级升级或降级的评论或重点观望名单。因此,评级机构定期公布的等级就是在对6个月到2年之内的信用等级可能变化的方向所做的预测基础上得出的对主权债务风险的评价。


* 宏观经济变量数据的获得 根据世界货币基金组织(IMF)的数据,获得了反映31个国家在2009年宏观经济运行情况的样本,其中包括的变量及测度单位如下: 1. GDP增长率(%)。GDP年增长率被用来衡量一国政府偿付债务成本的能力大小。 2. GDP占世界总量的比重(%)。测定一国经济与世界经济的相关程度。 3. 通货膨胀增长率(%)。如果通胀率较高,表明一国可能在未来利用通货膨胀来支付外债进行融资。 4. 失业率(%)。衡量一国在未来创造潜在国内生产总值的能力。 5. 一般政府平衡(政府平衡预算占GDP的比例,%)。如果政府财政赤字较小,那么政府在支付债务成本方面的压力也会减弱。 6. 经常账户余额(经常项目余额占GDP的比例,%)。一国经常项目持续为负的话,对外债务会增加,这会加大该国主权债务的风险。




自变量 | 回归系数 | 一般政府平衡 | 0.008744 | 经常账户余额 | 0.052978 | GDP | 0.053779 | 通货膨胀增长率 | -0.052739 | GDP占世界总量的比重 | 0.004053 | 失业率 | -0.063900 | 截距项 | 1.010361 |




五、模型解释 在这个回归模型中,自变量的系数可以被理解为自变量的一个单位的变化引起的债务评级的平均变化。虽然对于宏观经济变量而言,1个单位的变动并不具有实际意义,但是,评估计量模型的一条标准是看它是否与理论一致,也就是说,我们可以了解每个宏观经济变量是如何在某一方向上影响债务评级的。

六、结论 通过回归模型的建立,可以得出如下结论, 1. 在决定主权债务评级方面起较大作用的宏观经济因素包括:GDP增长率、通货膨胀增长率、GDP占世界总量的比重、一般政府平衡、失业率和经常账户余额。 2. 主权债务等级包含了相当多的宏观经济变量的信息,因此,可以将债务等级视为衡量主权风险的重要指标。 3. 在正常的宏观经济情况下,一国主权债务的评级应当在CCC以上,如果债务评级为CCC,则该国的经济状况可能面临较大的压力。 当然,这个模型还存在着一定的局限性,例如,在搜集样本时,由于发展中国家的数据难以获得,所以并没有考虑规模效应和一国本身经济发展状况,显然,由于投资者的风险厌恶情绪,发展中国家的债务必然具有较高的违约风险,可能这个风险并不包含在模型所列出的宏观经济因素中。另外,如果一个国家在之前就有违约的记录,那么它的债务评级也会自然降低,与其现在的经济状况也没有太大关系。 对这个回归模型来说,最大的局限可能在于将债务评级的分数限定为1-9之间的整数,在这个基础上对其进行OLS回归并不是最准确的,应该采用logit概率回归更好。但是,由于所选取的样本较小,OLS回归的结果在一定程度上也是可以采用的。


主权债务评级 | 评级分数 | AAA | 9 | AA | 8 | A | 7 | BBB | 6 | BB | 5 | B | 4 | CCC | 3 | CC | 2 | C | 1 |
表1-1 主权债务评级和相应的评级分数

表1-2 31个国家在2009年的宏观经济变量数据及S&P对其的债务评级
国家名称 | GDP | weight | inflation | unemployment | budget | current account | rating | Australia | 3.052 | 1.163 | 3.251 | 4.333 | 1.136 | -5.273 | BBB | Austria | 1.67 | 0.472 | 1.921 | 4.488 | -0.825 | 2.903 | A | Belgium | 1.176 | 0.55 | 1.901 | 8.296 | -0.713 | 2.808 | A | Canada | 1.948 | 1.888 | 2.01 | 6.263 | 0.028 | -1.213 | AA | Cyprus | 3.5 | 0.032 | 2.877 | 3.925 | 0.523 | -7.107 | BBB | | | | | | | | | Sweden | 1.7 | 0.492 | 2.1 | 7.117 | 1.42 | 6.729 | AA | Switzerland | 0.948 | 0.437 | 1.4 | 4.099 | 0.725 | 13.77 | AA | Taiwan | 4.124 | 1.049 | 1.5 | 3.78 | 0 | 8.075 | A | UK | 1.61 | 3.181 | 2.1 | 5.432 | -3.199 | -4.381 | BBB | USA | 0.561 | 20.519 | 1.988 | 6.3 | -4.175 | -4.166 | A |

表1-3 模型回归Eviews结果 Dependent Variable: RT | | | Method: Least Squares | | | Date: 12/10/10 Time: 16:07 | | | Sample: 1 31 | | | | Included observations: 31 | | | | | | | | | | | | | Variable | Coefficient | Std. Error | t-Statistic | Prob. | | | | | | | | | | | C | 1.010361 | 0.433676 | 2.329758 | 0.0286 | BUDGET | 0.008744 | 0.027361 | 1.719574 | 0.0521 | CURRENT_ACCOUNT | 0.052978 | 0.014480 | 3.658555 | 0.0012 | GDP | 0.053779 | 0.073982 | 1.626923 | 0.0743 | INFLATION | -0.052739 | 0.164095 | -1.781392 | 0.0507 | WEIGHT | 0.004053 | 0.021770 | 1.726162 | 0.0539 | UNEMPLOYMENT | -0.063900 | 0.044273 | 1.703314 | 0.0619 | | | | | | | | | | | R-squared | 0.608405 | Mean dependent var | 1.165817 | Adjusted R-squared | 0.560506 | S.D. dependent var | 0.551301 | S.E. of regression | 0.404932 | Akaike info criterion | 1.225483 | Sum squared resid | 3.935272 | Schwarz criterion | 1.549286 | Log likelihood | -11.99498 | F-statistic | 5.267942 | Durbin-Watson stat | 1.729592 | Prob(F-statistic) | 0.001379 |

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Do Mind Your Mind

...Econometrics (Economics 360) Syllabus: Spring 2015 Instructor: Ben Van Kammen Office: Krannert 531 Office Hours: Friday, 10 a.m.-noon Email: Meeting Location: KRAN G010 Meeting Days/Times: TR 1:30-2:45 p.m. (001) TR 3-4:15 p.m. (002) TR 4:30-5:45 p.m. (003) Course Description This is an upper division economics course required for students pursuing a BS in economics. It is one of the few courses that explicitly covers empirical methods, i.e., the analysis of observed economic behavior in the form of data. Empirics stand in contrast to theory, e.g., micro and macro, about how agents behave. Despite this under-representation, empirical analysis comprises a large part of economists’ workload and is one of the most practical skills that an economics student can learn. Course Objectives In this class students will: 1. perform statistical and practical inference based on the results of empirical analysis, 2. identify useful characteristics of estimators, e.g., unbiasedness, consistency, efficiency, 3. state predictions of theoretical economic models in terms of testable hypotheses, 4. model economic relationships using classical methods, such as Ordinary Least Squares, derive the properties of estimators related to these methods, and 5. perform estimation using methods discussed in class using software, 6. perform diagnostic tests that infer whether a model’s assumptions are invalid, 7. evaluate empirical models based on whether their resulting estimators...

Words: 2067 - Pages: 9

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...Principles of Econometrics Tips for a Term Paper Topic Your work MUST BE ORIGINAL, but the issue/model/methodology need not! Money/Macro/International Economics Common Approaches 1. Apply a model or law (e.g., Phillips curve, Okun’s law, etc.) to more recent data. 2. Extend what is known for the U.S. to other countries (emerging, developing or Eastern European). Examples: 1. Outsourcing: Do firms that outsource tend to do better? Or why they outsource? 2. Trade deficit: What causes the huge US trade deficit? 3. Twin deficits: Is there a link between the trade deficit and the government budget deficit? 4. Foreign exchange: What has caused the recent drop of the US dollar? 5. Oil shocks: Have oil shocks led to recessions in the US or elsewhere? 6. Growth: Why some countries are rich while others poor? 7. Election: What determines an election outcome? 8. Big Mac Index Finance/Management/Accounting Common Approaches 1. What affects stock performance of different firms or over time? 2. Firm performance? Some Issues 1. Any link between the economy and the stock market? 2. How does monetary policy affect the financial markets? 3. Any link between stocks and bonds? Microeconomic/Socioeconomic/Marketing Issues General Approach: Apply any theory, model or concept to firms, people or markets. Some Issues 1. What affects the demand (or price) for a product? 2. Does money buy happiness? 3. Any link between market price (or profit) and quality...

Words: 921 - Pages: 4

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Stock Market Relation

...International Conference On Applied Economics – ICOAE 2010 299 DOES STOCK MARKET DEVELOPMENT CAUSE ECONOMIC GROWTH? A TIME SERIES ANALYSIS FOR BANGLADESH ECONOMY MD. SHARIF HOSSAIN (PH. D.)1 - KHND. MD. MOSTAFA KAMAL2 Abstract In this paper the principal purpose has been made to investigate the causal relationship between stock market development and economic growth in Bangladesh. To investigate long-run causal linkages between stock market development and economic growth the Engle-Granger causality and ML tests are applied. In this paper another attempt has been made to investigate the non-stationarity in the series of stock market development and economic growth by using modern econometric techniques. The co-integrated tests are applied to know whether this pair of variables shares the same stochastic trend or not. From our analysis it has been found that the stock market development strongly influences the economic growth in Bangladesh economy, but there is no causation from economic growth to stock market development. Thus unidirectional causality has prevailed between stock market development and economic growth in the Bangladesh economy. Also it has been found that all the variables are integrated of order 1, and both the variables stock market development and economic growth share the same stochastic trend in Bangladesh economy. JEL Code: C010 Key Words: Stock Market Development, Causal Relationship, Non-stationarity, Unit Root Test, Co-integrated Tests 1 ...

Words: 5712 - Pages: 23