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Economics for Society


Submitted By eshalisa
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Pages 10
Global Fortune 500 Company Home Depot | Economics for SocietyAyesha MuhammadSeptember 1, 2014 |

Global Fortune 500 Company Home Depot | Economics for SocietyAyesha MuhammadSeptember 1, 2014 |

Global Fortune 500 Company Home Depot

Home Depot is one of the largest home improvement retailer in the world. With stores in the United States, Canada, Mexico and China. Home Depot was founded in 1978 by Arthur Blank and Bernie Marcus, along with investment banker Ken Langone and merchandising guru Pat Farrah. Their vision was to open a store as a one-stop shopping for the do-it-yourself individual.
Home Depot opened their first store on June 22, 1979, in Atlanta, Georgia. In 1981 Home Depot went public on NASDAQ and moved the New York Stock Exchange in 1984. Between 1980’s thru 1990’s the company saw tremendous growth, in 1989 the company celebrate their 100th store opening. The company wish to expand their store globally, so they open the first home improvement centers in 1994 in Canada with the acquisition of Aikenhead’s home improvement centers, in 2001 under the acquisition of Total HOME that expand the vision in Mexico, and 2006 the company extended its reach to China by acquiring the The Home Way, a 12 store chain.
Their global expansion demonstrates how The Home Depot combines its vast knowledge of the home improvement industry with the needs, shopping trends and customs of each unique geography to best serve customers. They are committed to being a global company by enhancing their direct relationships with quality manufacturers, and reinforcing the confidence they have in global suppliers to provide products that offer Home Depot customers quality, value and innovation. From the start, associates were able to offer the best customer service in the industry, guiding customers through projects such as laying tile, changing a fill valve or

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