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Economics History Essay


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Essay Answer: Three main theories:
Modernization Theory: developed by Rostow and is broken down into different stages of growth.
Development in the first and second world is used as models for development progress in the third world and assumes innovation and development are easily transferred from the first and third World.
Criticized for ignoring diversity of experience, cultural factors and unequal relationships between nations. 1. Commercial Modernization (1700-1979)
Associated with early commercial functions in mercantile era. 2. Industrial Modernization (1850- mid 1900)
Involves the metropolitanization of primate cities in the developing world. 3. Technological modernization( mid 1900 –present)
Adopts capitalism, export-led development, and is associated with political democracy.
Advocating primate cities in the developing world.
Dependency Theory:developed by Andre Gunder Frank (1967)
Focus on a political and economical perspective in order to explain lack of development. Dependent development in third world cities. It also divides the power distribution into 3 main categories, the core (first World), Periphery (third world) and semi- periphery in both regions. Development in third world develops with the first world.
First world under-develops the Third World by exploiting their raw materials, resources and goods. Inorder for the third world to develop they need to break free from first world and its capitalist agenda.
World Systems Theory: Immanuel Wallerstein(1970-1980)
Focus on a systematic approach to understanding development via complex interactions, and is opposed to the ideas present in the Dependency Theory, it also highlights that countries and cities are linked together as a part of a system of relationships and interactions. It stresses the role of interdependency and is associated with game theory (individual’s success in making choices depends on the choices of others) It presents a more complex model of global economic and political relationships which vary over scale. For ex. In a global scale, the core may under develop the semi peripheries, which in turn under develop the periphery.

Harold Innis , Staple Theory.
Innis argued that Canada developed as it did because of the nature of its staple commodities: raw materials, such as fish, fur, lumber, agricultural products and minerals that were exported to Europe. This trading link cemented Canada's cultural links to Europe. The search for and exploitation of these staples led to the creation of institutions that defined the political culture of the nation and its regions. theres a lot of clustering in the east coast as a result in manufacturing industries, the region is referred to heartland and western are referred to as hinterland.
In Canadian history, the national policy instituted by John A. McDonald, subsidized the movement of goods from east to west allowing for this particular agglomeration. Furthermore, development in the hinterland is dependent upon growth in demand in, and investments form the heartland.

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