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Submitted By aganbold
Words 412
Pages 2
There are deliberations that Socrates is supporting civil disobedience in the Apology, but in the Crito his extensive argument demonstrates that he is supporter of strict obedience to the Laws. In the Apology, Socrates argues that he is not guilty of breaking any law by not retrieving Leon of Salamis (32d). He adds that he would not obey the court if they find him guilty and order him to stop philosophizing (29d). On the other hand, Socrates states that every moral citizen should abide by the law of the city (51a-c). Therefore, there might be misinterpretations whether Socrates is contradicting himself. But I think that Socrates is not contradicting himself, because in the Apology demonstrates his defense before he accepted the verdict and the Crito is demonstrating the reasoning in carrying out the sentence.

In the Apology, Socrates went to see the Oracle, who told him that there was no wiser man than Socrates. Socrates in disbelief tried to find a wiser man than him, but found that everybody else thought that they were wise, when in reality they knew nothing about what they thought they knew. So Socrates took a mission to philosophize as his virtue. For Socrates living well means living honorably and justly, and resist doing unjust to others (48b). And if the rules of the community do not seem to be just or good, the person should try to persuade the community where the justice lies (51c). But if persuasion fails one must follow the pay the honor to the community and do as told. Therefore throughout the Apology Socrates tried to persuade the court but failed. Furthermore, several passages in the Apology advocate obeying the laws. Under a lawful government, for example, Socrates demonstrates that despite a risk of death he obeyed their lawful orders. “When the commanders whom you chose to command me told me to take up position at Potidea and Amphipolis and Delium, on those occasions I stayed where they posted me, just like anyone else, and risked death” (28e). Moreover, Socrates encourages the jury to act in accordance with the Laws when he tells them that he will not beg them or bribe them, but rather he hopes that the jury will look at his argument and make a decision based on Athenian Laws. Together, these two examples in the Apology show that Socrates was committed to obeying Athenian Laws throughout both dialogues and was never an advocate of civil disobedience.

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