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Effective Communication


Submitted By jonathanchia89
Words 2313
Pages 10
Malaysian Online Journal of Instructional Technology ISSN : 1823-1144 Vol. 2, No. 1, April 2005

Strategies for Effective Communication of Educational Instructions in Nigeria
Ezeja Ogili School of Distance Learning and Continuing Education Institute of Management and Technology Enugu, South-East, Nigeria Abstract Effective communication is usually the result of a careful selection of the appropriate medium or combination of media available. This is to ensure the transmission of message from one source to another by the use of form or illustration that seems desirable. It is referred to as the interaction of an individual or group with the environment through all the senses. The practical justification is that it is an instrument for accelerating the pace of all human transformation, to shake-off inertia in a people, achieve mobilisation and direct their productive forces in improving their living condition. This is also to show the relevance of teaching as a profession and the impact of a teacher in influencing the future development and growth of a learner. Teaching and Learning Materials (TLMs) design, production and their use facilitate the teaching and learning outcomes. However, the success of using the TLMs to meet the teaching objectives demands effective communication to satisfy instructional delivery. INTRODUCTION Communication as a concept has its origin from a Latin word ‘communicare’ which means to share or establish commonness. It can therefore be said that human communication means the process of sharing meaning, ideas, thoughts, experiences, information or opinion from person to person. Thus, it can be seen as a social process of establishing commonness of ideas, thought or information (Eze, 1998). Communication can be described as a social process that uses signs, symbols, languages and other such means to bring about inter-exchange of thought and

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