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Effects of Digital Technology on Health


Submitted By okolea
Words 2234
Pages 9
Effects of Digital Technology on Health


Date: Effects of Digital Technology on Health
The levels of technology have increased at a high rate in the last decade, and the use of digital electronics has become more common. Technology has a lot of benefits but also has side effects if not used to a certain limit. In the current generation, the use of digital electronics such as computers, video games and mobile phones has become the norm and it’s proving to have a negative health impact. Such electronic devices are very common among the youths, and they use them very often for both academic and entertainment purposes. Despite their health risk, it is unavoidable to use such devices and one can only control the rate of use but cannot evade using them
A computer is a device that is meant to ease work as well as make data organized and easily accessible. In the developed countries, children are introduced to computers at a very tender age, and they use them for the rest of their lives and hence are hardly hit by the negative effects. Computers pose a risk of the user suffering from musculoskeletal disorders due to the repetitive poster and body movements one has while using the computer (Karavidas, Lim, and Katsikas, 2005, p.699). The continuous use of a computer can make on experience pain on the fingers and upper arm since these body parts are in action while using the computer. The repetitive use of the keyboard leads to inflammation in the carpal tunnel and hence causing a painful syndrome called the carpal tunnel syndrome (Saba, Pocklington and Miller, 2008, p.66). Many people use the computer for prolonged hours which lead to there being little blood flow in the muscles. The body muscles do not contract and relax and hence an imbalance of blood flow in the muscles takes place which can cause

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