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Electric Field Lab


Submitted By alpinstang
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1. You rub balloons in your hair and then hang them like in the picture below. Explain why you think they move apart and what might affect how far apart they get.

ANSWER: The transfer of static electrons as the balloons rubs increases each balloons electrostatic charge. Since they are both the same charge, the electromagnetic fields generated repel each other. The distance the balloons repel each other could be affected by how long the balloons are rubbed together as well as the moisture level of the air and balloon material. A more humid environment would limit the potential for static buildup, and a balloon made out of paper would not easily hold a static charge, because wood is a good insulator. It doesn’t easily conduct electricity, which is why trees sometimes appear exploded from lightning strikes. The lightning literally ripped through the tree. The number of electrons that are charged in each body is also a possible factor, which ties into what type of material the balloons are.

2. Test your ideas using Electric Field Hockey in the Practice mode. Make a table to record your observations about what affects the direction and speed of the puck. Your table should demonstrate that you have run controlled tests with all the variables.

# of Positive Charges # of Negative Charges Charge Placement
(Relative to puck) Result
0 2 Goal Center Puck is drawn to goal more quickly
0 1 Goal Center Puck is drawn to goal slowly
0 0 - Puck is Stationary
1 0 Goal Center Puck is pushed away from goal slowly
2 0 Goal Center Puck is pushed away from goal more quickly

3. Reflect on your ideas from question #1 and your data from question #2. How do your observations support, dispute or add to your ideas about what affects how charged

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