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Elements of Eligouse Traditions


Submitted By andre123
Words 307
Pages 2
Elements of Religious Traditions paper
In today’s world, there are many religions and, they all practice and worship in different ways. They all have certain beliefs, certain rituals and, traditions that they carry. This paper will explain how religious traditions describe and encourage the relationship with the divine; the relationship with the sacred time; the relationship with sacred space or the natural world; and the relationship with each other. This paper will also identify key critical issues in the study of religion.
The relationship with the divine is understanding of the divine such as whom or what is sacred. Monotheism meaning one God relates to religions like Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. Polytheism meaning many gods relate to religions like Hinduism, Zen Buddhism and, many religions of ancient civilizations. Pantheism which, is drawn from Polytheism means all of nature. God is everything and everything is God. The concept of being or existence is how these religions see their Gods. Most Polytheism beliefs are that their gods come in the form an actually being such as calves, people, statues, physical things. Monotheism believes that God is a spirit, cannot be seen, but felt. They believe that the spirit can hear see and watch you’re observing how these religions have relationships with sacred time.
To know the relationship of sacred times, we will need to know what sacred time is. Sacred time is how the religion is observed. Some religions fast or feast, this may include special worship services and regular times of worship. For example Christians normally worship on Sunday and there is a Minister or Reverend that preaches to them the way they should carry their lives based upon what the bible says. Jews worship on the Sabbath day which, is also known as the seventh day and is usually on a Friday or Saturday evening.

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