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Employee Retention


Submitted By rubyred78
Words 1759
Pages 8

Organizations and managers are facing increased challenges in retaining productive, creative, reliable employees. Human resource planning plays a pivotal role in helping reduce employee turnover and retention. To motivate, retain and keep employees focused on the organization’s purpose, implementing effective strategies and policies will help tackle the challenges of employee retention.

Managing Employee Retention
Human resource planning plays a pivotal role in the effective management of employees to improve employee retention. Poor planning can result in discouraged employees and high turnover rates. The ability of managers and organizations to perform effectively becomes stagnant, creating a negative impact on operations. Employee retention can be difficult to achieve, and managers are more likely to have problems managing employees effectively if not planned well (Arnold, 2005). Developing effective employee retention strategies can have a positive impact on an organization’s ability to retain employees. Implementing effective human resource management strategies and policies can establish and maintain an appropriate culture in an organization. Applying the proper strategies and policies for human resource planning in organizational culture, employee selection and placement, compensation, training, development, and appraisal, it will enable operating managers to improve the likelihood of successfully retaining employees.
Human Resource Planning
Human resource planning is arguably the most important human resource function for operating managers because it either improves or lowers the probability of success in managing all other human resource activities (Arnold, 2005). Successful human resource planning requires managers to have the correct number of employees with the appropriate skills available at the

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