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Eng 102


Submitted By Miraaa
Words 2288
Pages 10
Palak Patel
Mrs. Roman
Date: 03/16/2012 Divorce in America In the 21st century, so many Americans are struggling with divorce. Studies show that approximately sixty percent of marriage in America ends in divorce, and this does not seem to be slow down (“Divorce”). Nowadays, divorce is more common as compared to the past. Furthermore, so many issues are related to divorce: couples do not want to compromise about their relationship, women are becoming more independent, and couples are getting married too young. According to Wilson, “couples who live together before marriage have higher divorce rates than those who do not, and less educated couples tend to divorce at higher rates than those with more education” (“Introduction to Divorce”). It is also possible that couples are getting married for the wrong reasons, and they are not putting enough effort into their relationship, and their marriages end in divorce. Children are struggling as well as their parents because when parents become divorced the children become divorced too. After parents get divorced, children face a lot of stress during their lives. In the 21st century, the divorce rate in the American family is increasing because married couples are refusing to compromise about their relationship which is posing a potential danger to children. The divorce rate continues to increase in America over last twenty five years. As a matter of facts, the divorce rate is higher in today’s society compared to the past. Since 1985 to 2008, the study has shown that the divorce rates have been increasing (“Divorce”). According to data shown in 1985, only 10 percent of Americans divorced. Yet according to 2006, 30 percent of Americans have been divorced at some points in their lifetime. According to 2008, 33 percent American considered divorce (“Introducing to Divorce”). This continuing increasing percent

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