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Eng125 Week 1 Journal 1


Submitted By kiptastic
Words 340
Pages 2
Journal One: Identifying Conflict from other Sources


December 15th, 2014

The five conflicts often found in literature, Individual versus Individual, Individual versus Nature, Individual versus Society, Individual versus Technology and Individual versus Self, can be found throughout our everyday lives. One can spot cases of Individual versus Individual in the workplace. Conflict appears as we are often forced to work with individual we wouldn’t necessarily associate with but must and thus, conflict is created. I see cases of Individuals versus Nature occur all the time when surfing, especially when the surf is big. Conflict arises when Mother Nature starts throwing more at the individual than they expected and dangerous situations can arise as a result. Cases of Individual versus society can be identified when one person chooses to stand up for what they believe in even if the majority is currently in favor of the alternative. A case of this happened recently with the Edward Snowden incident. Currently cases of Individuals versus Technology can be seen with all the parameters being established in regards to the development of artificial intelligence. As our technology continues to progress, safe guards are being developed so that what we develop never gains complete autonomy. Individual versus self can be with numerous individuals and their addictions or vices. Often we find that we drawn to things that we know are bad for us yet we still pursue them.

In this week’s excerpt from Ulysses, Tennyson (1833) writes, “It may be that the gulfs will wash us down.” This would be an example of the Individual versus Nature conflict. The importance of identifying conflicts in literature for example is that they aid in establishing meaning of the trials an individual is exposed to throughout their journey. Not only does this establish context but it

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