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Submitted By ma475618004
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List 1 照片n.想象力n.非凡的adj.有活力的adj.讲台,月台n.叙述 讲述 n.adj.露天游乐场n.目标n.v.反馈n.激起,诱发v.不一致adj.连词,结合n.增加 加强n.分配 分发 v.透明的 adj.晋升,提升n.外部的,表面的adj.目标,进球 n.卡路里n.发生率 影响范围n.复制 重复v.乐观的 adj.可能性n.大量,群众n.不足的 稀少的adj. | 1. photograph 2. imagination 3. extraordinary 4. dynamic 5. platform 6. narrative 7. fairground 8. target 9. feedback 10. motivate 11. inconsistent 12. conjunction 13. reinforcement 14. distribute 15. transparent 16. advancement 17. external 18. goal 19. calorie 20. incidence 21. replicate 22. optimistic 23. likelihood 24. multitude 25. scarce | 26. chronic 27. representative 28. pharmaceutical 29. attendance 30. ethical 31. boundary 32. mortality 33. illiterate 34. colleague 35. implication 36. intervention 37. maternal 38. persistent 39. bully 40. physical 41. verbal 42. severity 43. explicit 44. implement 45. substitute 46. campaign 47. permanent 48. offender 49. supervision 50. recognize | 长期的,慢性的adj.典型的 代表n.adj.制药的adj.出席 参加n.道德的,伦理的adj.边界n.死亡率n.不识字的,文盲n.adj.同事n.暗示,可能的影响n.干预,介入n.母亲般的adj.坚持不懈的adj.欺负v.n.身体,生理的adj.与文字相关的adj.严格,严厉,严重n.明确的,详述的 adj.工具 实行 执行n.代替者n.v.战役,运动n.v.永恒的adj.罪犯者,冒犯者n.监督,管理n.认得 辨认出v. |
List 2 估计v.修改v.策略 n.占主导,占优势的adj.栖息地n.比例n.欣赏,感激,重视v.破坏v.大多数n.哺乳动物n.退化v.偿还,补偿v.变化 n.描述,代表,阐明 v.创始.n创始的 adj.看的见的adj.危及v.多样n.经济的adj.语言学的adj.双语的adj.生存 v.有助于,导致可替换的adj.觉醒n. | 51. estimate 52. modify 53. strategy 54. dominant 55. habitat 56. proportion 57. appreciate 58. destruction 59. majority 60. mammal 61. degenerate 62. compensate 63. variation 64. represent 65. initiative 66. sighted 67. endanger 68. diversity 69. economic 70. linguistic 71. bilingual 72. survive 73. contribute to 74. alternative 75. disillusion | 76. erode 77. relief 78. digestive 79. maintain 80. reluctant 81. juvenile 82. permanent 83. decline 84. species 85. approach 86. respiratory 87. reveal 88. associate 89. unpredictable 90. defensive 91. physical 92. surrounding 93. evolutionary 94. circumstance 95. enterprise 96. exploitation 97. domestic 98. determine 99. establish 100. hazard | 侵蚀 腐蚀v. 减轻(痛苦)v.有助消化的adj维持,维修v.勉强的,不情愿的adj.青少年n.永恒的 永久的adj.减少v.物种n.方法n. 接近v.呼吸的 adj.揭露v.把…联系 v.不可预测的adj.防御的 adj.物理的 身体的adj.周围的adj.进化的adj.情况 环境n.工程 企业n.剥削v.国内的 内部的adj.决定,决心v.建立 v.冒险 n. v. |
List 3 表演n.进步n.相对的adv.戏剧性的adj.消费,花费v.足够的 适当的adj.营养n.起外号,把…称为v.资源n.理论的adj.考古学n.珍惜v.财宝n.出土文物n.遗产n.纪律 学科n. v.训练限制 约束 v.区别 辨别v.源于…,得到v.人工制品n.减少 变小v.减轻 减少v.假设 n.现实的adj.分派 分配v.基础的adj | 101. performance 102. improvement 103. relatively 104. dramatic 105. expend 106. adequate 107. nutrition 108. dub 109. resource 110. theoretical 111. archaeology 112. treasure 113. excavation 114. heritage 115. discipline 116. restrict 117. distinguish 118. derive 119. artifact 120. diminish 121. lessen 122. hypothesis 123. realistic 124. allocate 125. fundamental | 126. sustainable 127. contradict 128. provision 129. liberty 130. generate 131. indispensable 132. resistance 133. investigate 134. primarily 135. contemporary 136. weapon 137. constitute 138. span 139. significant 140. gifted 141. comprehend 142. specific 143. objectively 144. comment 145. obtain 146. minimize 147. emit 148. explode 149. fragment 150. declaration | 持续的adj.抵触v.供应 防备n.自由n.产生 发生v.必不可少,必须的adj.抵抗n.调查 研究v.起初 首先adv.同时代的adj武器n.构成,建立v.跨度 范围n.重要的adj.天才的adj.领会 理解v.明确的,具体的adj.客观地adv.评论 注释意见n.v.获得v.最小化v.发出,散发v.使爆炸v.碎片 片段n.宣布 声称n. |
List 4 忧虑 担心n.混乱 紊乱n.收集 编辑vt.印象 想法n.文学上的adj.建立n.分期付款n.极大地 巨大的adj.收养v.采纳稳定稳固n.细微 精细n.心理学n.发出 发射v.进行在..之前公开指责v.低估v.悲观的adj.扩大 增加v.批评n.合成的 人造的adj.物质n.范围 领域n.开头的 最初的adj.奉献 贡献v. | 151. concern 152. chaos 153. compile 154. impression 155. literary 156. establishment 157. installment 158. immense 159. adopt 160. stability 161. subtlety 162. psychology 163. emit 164. proceed 165. prior to 166. denounce 167. underestimate 168. pessimistic 169. exaggerate 170. criticism 171. synthetic 172. substance 173. domain 174. initial 175. dedicate | 176. originality 177. innovative 178. melt 179. dub 180. superiority 181. perspective 182. mysterious 183. comedian 184. interpretation 185. principle 186. instinctual 187. cognitive 188. evidence 189. evaluate 190. complicate 191. ignore 192. artificial 193. tension 194. empirical 195. encyclopedias 196. audience 197. intellectual 198. preliminary 199. proposal 200. discipline | 独创性 创造性n.创新的adj.溶解v.给…起绰号,把…称为v.优越性 优等n.远景 前途n.神秘的 难以理解的adj丑角 喜剧演员n.解释 口译n.原则n.本能的adj.认知的 认识能力的adj.证据 迹象n.评估 评价 v.使复杂化v.忽视v.人工的adj.紧张n.经验主义的adj.百科全书n.观众n.智力的adj.预备的 初步的adj.提案 建议n.纪律 学科n. 训练v. |
List 5 进入 协会n.潜力 adj.普通的adj.戏剧性地 adv.大量的,实质的adj.基金n.令人失望的 adj.可测量的 adj.身份地位 n.障碍 n.v.了不起的 非凡的 adj.使持续v.毋庸置疑地adv.重要的 adj.不公平,不公正n.管理,支配v.初级的 adj.灌溉 n.沉积 沉淀n.最后 adv.积累 v.干旱 n.出现 暴露v. | 201. access 202. institution 203. potential 204. ordinary 205. dramatically 206. substantial 207. funding 208. disappointing 209. measurable 210. status 211. handicap 212. phenomenal 213. perpetuate 214. undoubtedly 215. vital 216. inequity 217. administer 218. elementary 219. irrigation 220. sedimentation 221. eventually 222. accumulate 223. drought 224. emerge | 225. fertilizer 226. ecology 227. agriculture 228. construction 229. desert 230. ambitious 231. informative 232. mimic 233. breakthrough 234. battlefield 235. boom 236. definition 237. vulnerable 238. terrace 239. external 240. renaissance 241. integrate 242. profitable 243. exception 244. offspring 245. fluctuate 246. investigation 247. solidify 248. convert | 化肥 n.生态n.农业n.建造 施工 建设n.沙漠n. 抛弃v.有野心的adj.提供知识或资料的adj.模仿v.n.冲破 突破n.战场n.增加 兴隆 声响n.v.定义n. e易受伤害的adj.梯田n.外部的adj.文艺复兴n.结合 使成整体v.有利可图的adj.杰出的adj.儿女 子孙 后代n.波动v.调查n.凝固v.转变v. |

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...English y the largest language by number of words; the Oxford English Dictionary lists 500,000 words, not including technical and scientific terms.[18][19] Contents [hide] * 1 Significance * 2 History * 3 Classification and related languages * 4 Geographical distribution * 4.1 Countries in order of total speakers * 4.2 Countries where English is a major language * 4.3 English as a global language * 4.4 Dialects and regional varieties * 4.5 Constructed varieties of English * 5 Phonology * 5.1 Vowels * 5.1.1 Notes * 5.2 Consonants * 5.2.1 Notes * 5.2.2 Voicing and aspiration * 5.3 Supra-segmental features * 5.3.1 Tone groups * 5.3.2 Characteristics of intonation—stress * 6 Grammar * 7 Vocabulary * 7.1 Number of words in English * 7.2 Word origins * 7.2.1 Dutch and Low German origins * 7.2.2 French origins * 8 Writing system * 8.1 Basic sound-letter correspondence * 8.2 Written accents * 9 Formal written English * 10 Basic and simplified versions * 11 See also * 12 References * 12.1 Notes * 12.2 Bibliography * 13 External links | [edit] Significance See also: English-speaking world and Anglosphere Modern English, sometimes described as the first global lingua franca,[20][21] is the dominant...

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...Should English be made the official language of India? Well, although English is a global language and it has somewhat become necessary to know English if one has to be successful globally, still making it our country’s official language makes little sense to me. If the whole point of changing our official language is related to the growth and success of our nation then China and its growth should make no sense to the world. The leader in BRIC nations and the nation considered next ‘SUPERPOWER’ after America doesn’t have English as their official language. They are doing great with mandarin and have very less people speaking English there. When their language is not posing a hindrance to their growth, when their GDP rate is going pretty well, when they are not thinking for changing their official language but are rather putting their heads into bigger constructive discussions then why should we? Globalization has brought the world closer and therefore to know and have tolerance for different cultures and languages is absolutely great but to forget and bring a change in our own heritage is something that according to me should not be acceptable. It’s fantastic to know English and get education in the same medium. Surely, it enhances our people to be recognized globally. It may bring them confidence and it may also aid to their growth in personality, but to look down upon one’s own culture and language is like looking down upon your parents when they are old and they need help...

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