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Essay Online Course


Submitted By flecarosc
Words 1653
Pages 7
‘How little things could make a big change’ fRANCISCA gUAJARDO – Felipe Lecaros

Part I
What issue do you want to ilustrate in your story?
The issue about our story Is based in our own experiences, about disloyal people that used to be in our life, but for different circumstances in our separated life, they are not part of it anymore.
The main issue is about trust and how this can break really strong relationships, where based on the definition of ‘being willing to depend on the behavior of others and accept a certain vulnerability, assuming that others will not betray us’, so when that ‘other’ person betray you, you are in front of a disloyal person that you cannot rely on him or her.

What concepts did you choose to ilustrate the issue you have chosen?
The main concepts that we chose and the main reasons were: * Trust
We used this concept because they were friends, and Nicolas didn’t have the money to started the business, so their friend trust in all the effort that he put in developed the business and they put more money or their pockets to pay the part of Nicolas.

* Fear
We used the term Fear, because George worked for more than 2 years to get that money and he felt fear to loss that amount of money, that he worked so hard to get it. * Intuition
This concept it used because George had an intuition about that something was missing in the business plan, that was only because he didn’t know all the process that Nicolas follow, George always had been a person that need all in control. * Empathy
This concept we used in the situation were George and Rodrigo put the money for Nicolas, they understood that Nicolas didn’t have the money, so they put on his place and with an empathy thought said that they paid for him. * Uncertainly
This term we used in the final situation when George said to Nicolas that had a relationship with

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