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Eu & Tr Trade and Policies


Submitted By zuhalh
Words 6207
Pages 25
EU & Turkey, Trade and Policies, Summary

Chapter 1:
The formation of the European Union

United Europe has been the vision of many statesmen since the Roman Empire, and more recently of philosophers/politicians (17th century (). Winston Churchill; spoke of European Federation (1951) but true fathers of borderless continent were: Robert Schuman and Jean Monnet (supported/complemented by Paul Henri Spaak and Jacques Delores).

Why was Europe created: They wanted to avoid repetition of wars between Europeans (especially avoid another conflict between France and Germany). Germany wasn’t punished because Americans learned from WWI. To avoid repetitions politicians/intellectuals came up with free commerce, democracy, and individual freedoms. The sincere collaboration (early 1950s until today) made peaceful Europe possible. They also wanted to rebuild Europe equitably after WWII, to share vital resources to mutual benefit, to counter threat of communism, to leverage with USSR and US, and eliminate acute nationalism and racism.

The importance of the EU to Turkey: 1. number 1 trading partner for Turkey 2. one of 4 world’s major powers 3. Turkey aspires to join the EU 4. Turkey needs Europe to be democratic

1951 – Paris (ECSC)
1st form of Europe-wide collaboration among states was ECSC (European Coal & Steel Community) in 1951 and was developed in free trade and commerce within the newly formed EEC (European Economic Community). ECSC was created to integrate the industrial sectors of coal and steel, both crucial for energy and the development of heavy industries, thus of high political significance to the participating countries. It was a movement towards integration, instead of the usual forms of international organisations. Integration required genuine effort towards common solutions in good faith, rather than multiparty diplomatic

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