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EULA Assignment
End User License Agreements
Microsoft Software License Terms
User Rights Granted by Microsoft
Write a paragraph defining the rights of the user in Microsoft’s EULA. Your paragraph must include what rights the user has to use, copy, and install the software. Can you sell or transfer the software to someone else? On how many devices may you install the software?

Microsoft’s EULA states that the user has the right to install 1 copy of the software on 1 computer to be used by one person at a time. One cannot sell the software. They can however transfer it with seemingly strict guidelines. They may do so directly on a licensed computer with a COA. The user may reassign this software license to a different computer any number of times, but not more than one time every 90 days. You may not retain any copies. The software is also not licensed for commercial hosting
Warranty with the Microsoft License
Write a paragraph describing the warranty, if any, which comes with Microsoft Office.

Microsoft does offer a limited warranty for this software. The warranty states that it is not responsible for any problems that the user causes due to not following instructions. The limited warranty starts when the user gets their copy and lasts for 1 year. If the user gets any updates or replacement software during that year, they are covered for the remainder of the year, or 30 days, whichever is longer.

GNU General Public License
User Rights Granted by GNU General Public License
Write a paragraph defining the rights of the user in the General Public License to use, copy, and install the software. Can you sell or transfer the software to someone else? On how many devices may you install the software?

This License allows the user to use and modify the program as long as they acknowledge and respect that the program was given free to them. This agreement does allow the user to make modifications to the programs long as when they convey the program with modifications, they include the original source code and then you must show them the user rights that are covered in the license. The license also states that they wish to avoid software patents and states that would make this program proprietary. Patents cannot be used to make this program non-free. You may install this software on as many devices as you want. Doing so means you accept the terms of the license.

Warranty with the GNU License
Write a paragraph defining the warranty, if any, which comes with the GNU license.

This software comes with no warranty, the program is “as is” without a warranty of any kind. The entire risk of the quality and performance of the program is with the user. If the program is defective, the user accepts all of the costs for servicing, repairs or corrections which are needed.

Write a concluding paragraph(s). You must answer the following questions but feel free to include anything else you would like. Contrast the two licensing agreement; what points are the same? Which are different? Which EULA do you prefer? Do you agree with these methods to prevent piracy?

The main difference is that the Microsoft program is a money maker for the company. The GNU software is not for profit. The Microsoft Program seems to have no leeway for uses and modification by the user. It prevents the users from sharing and modifying the software. I’m more for the GNU program. It seems more flexible and allows for modifications by the user to suit his/her own needs. They seemingly can do this without fear of breaking copy right laws with more stringent EULAs outline by Microsoft.
I am in total agreement with these methods to prevent piracy. A company’s copyright is its lifeline. I wish the United States would take a harder line on China’s piracy machine.

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