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Examples Of Courage In The Odyssey

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The Odyssey by Homer is the story of Odysseus, who is trying to get home after the Trojan War. Odysseus encounters many obstacles throughout his journey.
He was held captive by Calypso, and faced many deaths until he was able to get back home to his wife after 20 years. In the epic poem The Odyssey, Homer puts Odysseus’ courage to the test, to make his venture home page-turning.

In the story The Odyssey, Odysseus shows his courage by saving his men from the Lotus Eaters.Odysseus and his men came to the coastline of the Lotus Eaters, and whoever ate the Lotus longed to stay there forever, and would eventually forget their homeland. In part 1 the text states, “...who showed no will to do us harm… only offering the sweet Lotus to our friends… I drove them, all three wailing, to the ships and tied them down…” (Homer 816) This shows that Odysseus is courageous because instead of leaving his friends on the island, he tied them in the ship to take them home. This shows that Odysseus because he cares about the wellbeing of others. This also shows that Odysseus cares about his friends well being enough to not leave them on the island against their will. This shows that Odysseus because he cares about the wellbeing of others. …show more content…
Odysseus is curious about how the cyclops live, and he wants to explore the cyclops home. He takes some of his best men with him just in case the cyclops tries to fight back. Odysseus and his get caught by Polyphemus and will be eaten. Odysseus has to devise a plan to try and get him and his men out alive. In part one, Homer writes, “...rammed it deep in his crater eye.” (Homer 822) Odysseus is courageous because he took advantage of Polyphemus being asleep, to try to kill him even though, the cyclops is much more powerful. This also shows that Odysseus is willing to put himself in danger so he can protect his

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