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Exercise Benefirs


Submitted By sseehar
Words 749
Pages 3
KINE 1111
Summer 2014

The desires to shape up, tone, and make ourselves fit resides in every one of us but we tend to lose the track and morally weaken ourselves to complete this goal. Physical fitness professionals have provided us with such information regarding how we can set up a fit life style but we rarely pay attention to it. My purpose of taking a Kinesiology class was only to fulfill my required courses, but after starting with this class, I realized; I could definitely complete my goals of losing weight by just following my regular workouts for class. This routine has enhanced my stamina, helped my muscle soreness, workout time, and overall made me a healthy individual. I was always one of those individuals who would work out for fifteen minutes and get exhausted. I did not have enough stamina to stand more than fifteen minutes or do some other type of workout like, cycling or swimming. As I started with the required workouts for this class, I started seeing a dramatic change in my power of not getting tired quickly, of taking a longer time to get exhausted and shedding pounds with the pace of time. I do believe that one should have a moderate physical activity included in their daily lifestyle because it helps boost our strengths and makes us competitive towards our goals. As the book Principles and Labs for Physical Fitness mentions, “Regular moderate physical activity provides substantial benefits in health and well-being for the vast majority of people who are not physically active (Hoeger, 6)”. It was a tough routine to follow required by the class because of time conflicts and utter laziness but in order to fulfill the requirements, I started working out which included the warm up exercises, abdominal crunches, and stretching. It wasn’t long before when my muscles started getting sore and I felt I could barely move. This was because I did

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