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Explain Why It Is Important To Have A Growth Mindset Essay

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I put more effort into my school work, into my relationship with my family, and into my relationship with kids at school, and I experienced great improvement in all of those areas. I now realized I’ve wasted most of my life. Let’s not waste any more life because once we know that abilities are capable of such growth, it becomes a basic human right to children, all children, to live in places that create that growth to live in places filled with yet. This quote really goes deep into a Growth mindset and how important it is. People who have a growth mindset tend to be successful and learn more new things each day. This is quote talks about how it’s waste of time not to have a growth mindset because we’re not going to be learning or experiencing a great thing. If we don’t have growth in life then our life …show more content…
There are different small components that can affect our way of thinking or how we feel. It’s really important to know how our brains work and try to do positive things to support and strengthen our brain. “A key to making your brain work optimally, then, is to keep yourself physically healthy and well rested and to develop awareness of- and some control over- your emotions.” Putting yourself physically fit is not only helpful for your physical health but also for your mental health. Physical activity helps our brain so much to generate and avoid any negatives coming. Also, it the strength it especially when we push really hard when we exercise. This is something that helps me because I’m mostly active every day. I believe being active helps manage to filter the negative thing and focus on the positive thing. It puts me in a growth mindset because actively I put a lot effort otherwise I wouldn’t be able to step on the field. Sports teach our brain to be active and ready to work hard every single day. It challenges our brain to push the limit and achieve new things every

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