Premium Essay

Exploration of a Journal Article in Sociology


Submitted By whitney06
Words 460
Pages 2
In your own words, describe what type of article it is. Is it a primarily a review of existing research, or a report of new research? How can I tell? If it is a research article, what type of research was involved? Two international professors combined together on an article that discussed possible implications for special education. Dimitris Anastasiou and James M. Kauffman co-authored an article in Exceptional Children entitled A Social Constructionist Approach to Disability: Implications for Special Education. This article primarily discusses a term called the social model of disability. The article defines the social model of disability as a “functional analysis of the body as a machine to be fixed in order to conform with normative values.” This model identifies certain barriers, attitudes and exclusion by society as the main contributory factors in disabling people. While physical, sensory, intellectual, or psychological variations may cause individual functional limitation or impairments; the authors do not believe these conditions lead to “disability unless society fails to take account have and include people regardless of their individual differences.” This paper will further evaluate the article.

In a paragraph or two, summarize what you’ve learned about the content of the article. What were the major findings? How were they supported? To begin, this article is primarily a collection of existing research on disabilities and special education. As previously mentioned, this article was published in the Council for Exceptional Children’s Spring 2011 periodical. This article is written in APA-style, which is the standard for reading comprehension in the social and behavioral sciences. In typical APA fashion, an abstract previews Anastasiou and Kauffman’s main points. The body text is also formatted and properly headed according to APA guidelines, followed

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